Mishel is the first nurse theorist who mentioned uncertainty in illness in the aspect of nursing as a theory. Uncertainty in illness is a concept that has been widely studied (Mishel 1988 (Mishel , 1990Penrod 2001; McCormick 2002; Neville 2003;Hansen et al. The concept uncertainty has been explored in critical care but only among patients with myocardial infarction and post–cardiac catheterization using the Uncertainty in Illness Theory. Mishel's uncertainty in illness theory provides a conceptual framework to explain how uncertainty is generated and how it affects psychological adjustment to the cancer experience. The theory was developed by Merle Mishel, a well-known nursing theorist (Mishel, 1988). Uncertainty in illness is a middle range nursing theory that explains how the patient copes with and processes uncertainty when faced with the challenges of acute or chronic illnesses. MISHEL, MERLE H. Nursing Research: September 1981 - Volume 30 - Issue 5 - p 258-263. in illness to nursing scholarship in 1981, developing her uncertainty in illness theory and designing and testing relevant instruments. Uncertainty refers to the inability to identify, interpret and predict the disease-related condition/event. 2012;Flaskerud 2015;Zhang 2017). Uncertainty in Illness: Theory Review, Application, and Extension. Uncertainty can have positive or negative affects to child and family according the meaning and coping of uncertainty. The distressing fact of the uncertainty in illness theory applies in the diagnosis phase of an illness. Uncertainty decreases over time and returns on illness recurrence … article reviews the theory s concepts and propositions, summarizes support - ing evidence, and discusses extension of the theory, clinical implications, and future directions for research. 1195 Words5 Pages. A mid-range nursing theory, Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory examines how uncertainty can affect a patient's ability to adapt to an illness as well as the outcome of that illness (Neville, 2003, p. 206). Uncertainty is a constant occurrence from the diagnosis to living with a chronic illness. The uncertainty in illness theory describes the complexities related to determining the meaning of disease-related events. UNCERTAINTY IN NURSING 2 Abstract Nurses experience uncertainty in practice due to the fast paced, complex nature of the healthcare system. Uncertainty is the inability to determine the meaning of illness-related events, occurring when the decision maker is unable to assign definite value to objects or events, or is unable to predict outcomes accurately (Mishel, 1988). Uncertainty in Illness theory: Assumptions - original version -Uncertainty is a cognitive state where existing cognitive schema is inadequate to support interpretation of illness-related events. Uncertainty is also a finding of numerous studies conducted in intensive care units (ICUs) that included only family members as participants of the research. The Measurement of Uncertainty in Illness. -Uncertainty is inherently a neutral experience , neither bad nor good until interpreted as such. 30. Uncertainty in nursing practice has a direct influence on patient care, as well as personal well-being of the nurse, and his or her engagement and retention in the worþlace.This paper describes a project intended to help nurses identify … Illness effects many aspects of life and with increased research it might show how Uncertainty in Illness theory can be used to help a variety of patients in different environments. Buy.
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