wows großer kurfürst build
Use this information wisely and you’ll have a noticeable advantage over your opponents. Her armor is also typical of German battleship design, with a turtle-back armor scheme that will make citadeling her at close range near impossible. As per standard for German battleships starting from Bismarck, Großer Kurfürst is equipped with the Hydroacoustic Search () consumable to help detect incoming threats such as torpedoes and destroyers attempting to get close or vessels hiding in smoke screens. However, despite her impressive offensive and defensive assets, much of it is a double edged sword, helping and harming depending on the situation. Deschimag, which had been awarded the contract for "J", could no longer be used due to the increase in draft, which precluded travel through the shallow Weser. Most Importantly should I get this upgrade or not: This is probably the incorrect advice, but I am on the T9 at the moment, and I am going all secondary. On the other hand, making a tradeoff between the secondary armament and survivability increases the ship’s survivability, but impacts the damage dealt by your secondary armament.
You unlocked Grosser Kurfurst at a very good time since there are free Commander Skill resets active until the 29th. I would like any advice you could offer on whether I should take a secondary, tank or hybrid build and what modules should I fit into the ship. The enemy player is alerted that a bearing has been taken on their ship. After 0.9.2 IFHE is less needed, as 128mm and 150mm guns can now penetrate 32mm and 38mm armor respectively, which is enough for most ships. No boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector. Damage Per Minute is the maximum amount of damage a ship can inflict in a minute. Especially the part where it doesn't stack with Hydro (while vigilance does) is a big issue to me. +0.7 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber above 139mm. +20% to average damage per second of AA defense. Even Montana, who shares the same triple mount turret style and layout, will respect her for her heavy broadside, while the responsive turret traverse (already the best Battleship traverse at Tier X) can be made even faster with upgrades. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells +25% to the armor penetration of HE shells.-50% to base chance of fire caused by HE shells. To get the most out of the secondary armament-focused build you should select the appropriate modifications (Secondary Battery Modification 1 and 2). The obvious issue is the GK is it's not designed to play this way and generally will be worse than the other Tier 10 BBs.
The OKM was aware that the British had settled on a 40.6 cm gun for the proposed Lion class; the 42 cm gun would grant the H-41 design a significant advantage over these new adversaries. The project was developed based on combat experience and featured powerful torpedo protection, enhanced horizontal armor and more advanced AA guns. Very tempting target due to her being the biggest ship in the game; any decently accurate strike such as dive bombers or cruisers can reliably hit her. Due to the recent changes in meta though I feel a full secondary build will be hard to master. Concealment Expert -10% to the detection radius of destroyers.-12% to the detection radius of cruisers.-14% to the detection radius of battleships.-16% to the detection radius of aircraft carriers. But die with first blood and 1-3 less ships on the enemy team thanks to your suicidal berserker behavior. Last Stand The ship remains able to move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells (4) Improves the armor penetration capacity of HE shells fired from both main and secondary battery guns. Großer Kurfürst is often configured either for secondary power, or in a survival build. Die brutally. If you want competitively optimal then go montana. Leviathan+50% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.+200% Free XP earned for the battle.+20% credits earned for the battle. While she will almost never take citadel damage, her massive size and armor belt mean she will take higher-than-average normal regular penetration damage. The 10% from BFT just isn't worth it. This group was responsible for the design work that resulted in the H-42 type, as well as the subsequent designs.
Basic Firing Training -10% to reload time of main battery guns with a caliber up to and including 139mm and all secondary battery guns.
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