In skeletal muscle, calcium initiates contraction by binding to troponin, while in smooth muscle. T/F: The two types of smooth muscle tissue are visceral and multiunit. ATP is required to remove troponin from myosin. Then the athlete performs as many repetitions at 80% of 1RM as possible. 26. Calcium-induced calcium-release plays a role in cardiac muscle cells, as well as in some smooth. Type I fibers are characterized by low force/power/speed production and high endurance, Type IIX fibers are characterized by high force/power/speed production and low endurance, while Type IIA fall in between the two. A given skeletal muscle fiber will contract if excitatory synaptic inputs sufficiently exceed inhibitory. If the athlete can do between 7 and 12 repetitions, then the muscle group probably has an equal proportion of fibers. Muscle fiber types can be broken down into two main types: slow twitch (Type I) muscle fibers and fast twitch (Type II) muscle fibers. T/F: Both skeletal muscle tissue and cardiac muscle tissue contains endomysium, perimysium and epimysium. [2], ST fibers are predominantly used for aerobic activities requiring low-level force production, such as walking and maintaining posture, but are also the primary fiber type found in endurance athletes. D. There are very few nerve fibers in a muscle. generally have individual innervation of each cell. Therefore, genetics determines the type of muscle fiber that is predominant in your muscle cell: white (fast twitch) or red (slow twitch).

A fast-glycolytic fiber can generate greater tension than a slow-oxidative fiber. They can contract in the absence of external calcium. Why does breathing continue to be rapid and deep for a time after heavy exercise? Which of the following is NOT a determinant of whole-muscle tension? Which of the characteristics listed below describe smooth muscle cells? Most activities of daily living use ST fibers Jim. T/F: Skeletal and smooth muscles are more similar than skeletal and cardiac muscle.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding single-unit smooth-muscle cells?

Most activities of daily living use ST fibers, Type IIx fast-twitch fibers (Fast twitch 2), or fast glycolytic fibres, are recruited for very short-duration high-intensity bursts of power such as maximal and near-maximal lifts and short sprints. ST fibers are predominantly used for aerobic activities requiring low-level force production, such as walking and maintaining posture, but are also the primary fiber type found in endurance athletes.

Contractile activity of smooth-muscle cells does not normally require Ca2+.

Multiple action potentials in the motor neuron causes a sustained contraction. Contracting muscle fibers do not always shorten. Which of the following statements regarding myosin in skeletal muscle is TRUE? B. What is the best description of a tetanic contraction in a skeletal muscle cell? The H-Zones of the gluteus muscles shrink when lowering down during a squat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. During concentric isotonic contraction of a skeletal-muscle fiber, which of these occurs?

5. usually activated involuntarily., Type I (slow twitch oxidative), red in color, Type IIA (fast twitch oxidative glycolytic), red in color, Type IIX (fast twitch glycolytic), white in color. A. Sensory neurons stimulate muscles to contract. What protein is the principle component of skeletal muscle thick filaments? Which of the following statements regarding the motor end plate of a skeletal-muscle fiber is TRUE? In skeletal muscle cells, calcium initiates contraction by binding to: Binding of ____ to myosin permits cross-bridge ____ between actin and myosin in skeletal muscle cells. ", a single motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it innervates. During every muscle contraction, tension is developed in the muscle. In the figure shown, which indicated structure covers the entire muscle? Smooth muscle does not use troponin-tropomyosin to regulate cross-bridge activity. Greater than 12 and the muscle group has more than 50% ST fibers. contain terminal cisterns (also stores calcium). 2. may contract in response to nerve impulses, hormones or autorhythmic signals. Which of the following correctly describes skeletal muscle tissue? The removal of calcium ions from the cytosol of skeletal muscle causes, The myosin binding sites on actin to be covered by tropomyosin. Which of the functions listed below is/are associated with skeletal muscle? Ca2+-ATPase pumps move Ca2+ from the cytosol back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The order of recruitment of motor units in a muscle is such that the last units recruited are those that, John is a sprinter who specializes in quick and powerful bursts of speed followed by periods of rest. This method does not work for individual muscles, just muscle groups.[4]. [4] Since this is not always feasible, an indirect method that can be used to determine the fiber composition of a muscle group is to initially establish the athlete's 1RM. In the figure shown, which term is defined as extending from one Z disc to the next Z disc?

Which of the following statements regarding whole-muscle contraction is TRUE?

There are very few blood vessels in skeletal muscle. Binding of myosin to actin takes place when [Ca2+] increases in the cytosol. During diastole no blood moves from the atria to the ventricles. When grouped together, they work to generate movement of your body and internal organs. Myosin is the main regulatory protein in smooth muscle. walls of large arteries, arrector pili, iris of the eye. It is a cylindrical organelle composed of myofilaments. In the first few seconds of skeletal muscle contraction, what is the main mechanism by which ATP is. If a biopsy of the quadriceps (thigh extensor) muscles were taken from gold medal-winning speed. It is a nicotinic acetylcholine antagonist that blocks synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular, Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system gradually destroys the, a drug that inhibits acetylcholinesterase. Which property of muscle tissue directly allows tension to be generated while pulling on its attachment points? Some people are born with a predominance of FT fibers, which makes them better suited to activities requiring speed, strength or power.

3. have a duration of contraction and relaxation that is longer than in skeletal muscle. Which of the following is true about skeletal muscle? What is the function of the transverse tubules in a skeletal-muscle fiber? Which is NOT thought to be a mechanism causing fatigue during high-intensity, short duration muscle the proportion of the muscle fibers within each motor unit that are contracting at any given time. What is, autoimmune destruction of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Muscle fibers are single muscle cells.

Energy and phosphate are transferred from creatine phosphate to ADP.

Which of the following does NOT correctly describe cardiac muscle cells? They are responsible for preventing tetanic contractions. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding skeletal-muscle contraction? Stimulation of one _________________ muscle fiber causes contraction of many adjacent fibers, but stimulation of one ___________ muscle fiber causes contraction of that fiber only.

______________ muscle tissue contracts only when stimulated by acetylcholine, while _______________ muscle tissue can contract without extrinsic (outside) nervous or hormonal stimulation. Which of the following statements regarding contraction of a skeletal-muscle fiber is true?

The scientific study of muscles is known as. Acetylcholinesterase in the end plate membrane catalyzes the breakdown of acetylcholine. During an isometric twitch in a skeletal muscle: Which of the following statements regarding skeletal-muscle contraction is true? 4. are nonstriated. Which of the following statements about different kinds of skeletal-muscle fibers is TRUE? You have three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac… C. Every muscle fiber receives a branch of an axon from the nerve. In the figure shown, what is the name of the indicated structure which functions to enable action potentials to quickly spread from one cardiac muscle fiber to the next? Which dietary supplement is most likely to contribute to greater skeletal muscle ATP availability in the, Myasthenia gravis is a collection of muscle disorders that cause muscle fatigue and weakness.

Which is a TRUE statement about excitation-contraction coupling? A fast-glycolytic fiber can generate greater tension than a slow-oxidative fiber. Which of the following are TRUE about muscle cells? Which of these would increase the tension generated in a skeletal muscle? Which occurs FIRST as a result of ATP binding to myosin? Which of the following is not a protein associated with skeletal muscle tissue? The optimal length (Lo) of a skeletal muscle cell is: the length at which the muscle can generate its maximum tetanic tension. E. All of these are true.

How does the chemical curare affect skeletal muscle function?

In the neuromuscular junction, the motor end plate is part of the. Which of the following choices lists a correct sequence of events following the depolarization of, calcium ion influx through sarcolemma, calcium release into cytosol, actin and myosin attach, thin, The prolonged electrical depolarization of cardiac muscle cells that occurs during contraction is due, Which membrane protein transport process plays an important role in terminating the contraction of. Which of these occurs during an isometric contraction of a skeletal muscle? Which of the following statements about different kinds of skeletal-muscle fibers is TRUE? They allow action potentials to propagate deep into the center of skeletal muscle cells. They have an individual neuron innervating of each individual smooth-muscle cell. Nerves typically enter the muscle along with the main blood vessels of the muscle at a unit called a _________________. The sarcomere is made up of three types of proteins. In the figure shown, which is FALSE concerning the sliding filament mechanism? 1. can stretch considerably without losing their contractile function. Slow twitch fibers are referred to as "slow twitch oxidative".

Which of the following is a structural protein?

Lack of ATP following death causes cross-bridges to remain tightly bound to actin. [1] Type II fibers can subsequently be broken down into two types: type IIA, which is referred to as "fast twitch oxidative glycolytic", and type IIX, which is referred to as "fast twitch glycolytic". An action potential in the motor end plate rapidly spreads to the interior regions of a muscle cell by. How is the length of a skeletal muscle cell related to the force it can generate? as seen in cardiac muscle fibers and some smooth muscle fibers?

Type 1 fibers have greater myoglobin content and mitochondria size compared to type IIx (B) fibers. Which of the following statements regarding contraction in skeletal and smooth muscle is TRUE?

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