For example, the Hellfire flight time at maximum distance seems to match published numbers, and the laser designation must be kept on to assure a hit. I’ve mentioned to the developer that it would be nice to have some damage or wing failure when one decides to take advantage of flying without the G-limiter – perhaps somewhere in the 13 to 16G area. The Optical Landing System for glideslope is bright and easy to see from a good distance out on final.

It wouldn’t be hard to imagine ILS / ACLS approaches in bad weather in the future. The other two hot-button issues are hardware controller support beyond the rudder pedal option that is currently in the game, and a non-VR version of the game. The smoke also allows for you to time evasive maneuvers. All the while, other fighters and VTOLs are taking off and landing, providing a very impressive and immersive environment. Many skeptics will only give up their traditional hardware controllers if you pry them from their cold, dead hands, and I get that. Flight Assist controls include roll, yaw, and pitch Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS) as well as pitch auto-trim. Users with inside-out tracking quickly adapt to using quick glances. Smart tactics, managing your wingmen, making the right decision on weapons loads, and an eye toward self preservation are the key to completing each mission. The sim launched a couple of years ago with the AV-42C. The auto-trim is useful in that the system attempts to keep your pitch near the same once you go hands off the stick. The weapons inventory for both aircraft has been expanding as the developer has added capabilities. Night missions in VTOL VR are among the most atmospheric I’ve flown in any simulator.

At the start of the mission (unless the mission designer has given a required loadout) weapons are loaded in a hangar bay. I can’t tell you how natural feeling it is to move your VR hands throughout the cockpit quickly hitting MFD buttons or going through a brief cold-start procedure. The F/A-26B is a carrier based air-superiority fighter that is also suited to ground attack roles. In some missions, you will be required to wait for your wingmen to tank.

The one man development team, Paolo Encarnacion, releases updates every few weeks to months that add interesting new features, bug fixes, and just overall awesomeness to an already astounding simulator. Campaign missions are of varying difficulty, with some of the missions requiring an investment of time to complete due to multiple overall objectives that sometimes must be met. The transition from hovering flight to forward flight by gradually tilting the nacelles and feeding in some aft stick is very well done. The HUDs are absolutely superb. AI wingman behavior is fair – but they aren’t smart enough to be considered anything other than disposable. Anti-aircraft gunfire such as Close In Weapons Systems (CIWS) and machine guns are mounted on vehicles, ships, and some fixed emplacements.

The tanker uses a boom system to refuel and is as simple to use as opening your fuel door and sliding up into position. Last year, the F/A-26B was added, providing a more traditional fast fighter/attack jet.

© Valve Corporation.

The TGP can use daylight optics, or white/hot or black/hot IR sensors to help locate targets. So I was able to hear the tutorial missions ok, but the only option for Sound in the game menu is the background music. Due to its early access state, the review for this sim is definitely a moving target. A budget is set by the mission designer and care must be taken to select weapons that will be effective, but also allow for the quantity of targets to be hit.

This is a series of short 5-minute-or-less video tutorials (or, "nuggets") covering nearly every aspect of the AV-42C VTOL aircraft (the F/A-26B will be covered in a separate series). Radar guided anti-aircraft fire is similar in nature to what some of us combat sim would be used to seeing from a ZSU-23-4 Shilka (Zeus) – a stream of bullets that can be avoided if you keep maneuvering the aircraft. I realize that VR hardware is still not a mainstream sim item, but as prices fall and older generations of technology drop into the bargain bin, I’d encourage you to pick up a VR headset and see what all the buzz is about.

New features are added with nearly every build. Flight modeling is extremely good.

It is simultaneously a hard and easy experience – a very balanced sim that feels like a game, but plays like a sim. It is nice to be able to send a wingman to refuel or return to base to rearm if they survive that long. The game is actively being developed and currently available on SteamVR.

VTOL VR is a near-futuristic combat flight game built specifically for Virtual Reality.

The start sequence is pretty straight-forward: The AV-42C VTOL can, if the thrust to weight ratio (TWR) allows for it, take off vertically. As one would expect, as you slow down, more and more rudder input and some slight roll is required to counter the thrust of the operative engine. I can activate the adjustment of the right hand flight stick and move its position and change its height to better fit my chair just fine, but the left hand/throttle control doesn't seem to work. Any amount of roll input though, will result in a tendency for the nose to want to sink a bit. At this point, I could play endless single missions and campaigns on new and old maps, and I think the experience would not get old.

As such, they don’t reflect the true field of view, level of detail, or sense of scale that you get in VR. what planes would you like to be added to the game? With all of that said though, what we have already is fantastic. Is the throttle height currently adjustable?

On the other end of the spectrum, slow flight and minimum controllable airspeeds are well modeled. Vertical takeoffs or landings in the AV-42C are obviously not possible on a single engine – you’ll have to do a normal forward flight landing on the airfield or arrested landing on the carrier. is there a demo/beta we can participate in? "With the words of Solo Wing, the curtain rises...", TOP GUN IN VIRTUAL REALITY | VTOL VR HTC Vive & TPCAST Gameplay - Realistic Air Combat Flight Sim, [HTC vive][VR]VTOL VR 新ミッションクリア( ;∀;) 見やすい編集版, Способ перевода игры на Русский язык (что особо многим не нужно), Having trouble adjusting throttle height and tap grip. The more recently added F/A-26B has similarly structured content: The F/A-26B Desert Cobra campaign features a different terrain from the AV-42C “The Island” campaign, instead showcasing a desert landscape with deep gorges and a much more expansive map.

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