Recycle through the REDcycle program at your local supermarket Tamala Park tip (fees may apply) Recycling Centre Balcata, Branches (small) Dark green lid general waste bin, Lids (plastic)

Tamala Park Recycling Centre, Blankets  Tamala Park Recycling Centre Recycling Centre Balcatta, Ammunition, explosives Tip Fees to Rise if Mindarie Council Agrees.

Charity organisation - visit for more information, Toothbrushes Recycling Centre Balcatta, Beer bottles & cans (empty) This is a Paintback site. Dark green lid general waste bin, Poisons Tamala Park Recycling Centre Bulk Waste Collection Wangara Greens Recycling Centre (weekends and public holidays only) Organise private skip bin. Bulk Waste Collection That agreement enables residents to go to their nearest facility without paying the $25 gate fee and is not expected to affect the amount of household waste that Cambridge disposes of at Tamala Park. Recycling Centre (drop off recyclables) Monday to Sunday 8am to 4.45pm. Dark green lid general waste bin, Light globes Charity organisation - visit for more information Tamala Park Transfer Station Tamala Park Transfer Station, located over the Weighbridge. Tamala Park Recycling Centre Please be aware that recyclers may currently be closed or operating shortened hours due to COVID-19. Wangara Greens Recycling Centre (weekends and public holidays only) Wangara Greens Recycling Facility (weekends and public holidays only), Garden waste (small prunings, leaf fall, grass clippings) Oil (motor) Wangara Greens Recycling Facility (weekends and public holidays only) Once processed, about 36,525 tonnes would return to Tamala Park as residue. Recycling Centre Balcatta, Bicycles ( broken) Balcatta Recycling Centre (fees may apply) Yellow lid recycling bin, Plastic plant pots Red Hill WA 6056 Tamala Park Recycling Centre This site is part of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme – all households and small businesses can recycle computers and TVs for free at this site. The City does not have tip passes as we do not have our own tip. Free disposal at a Household Hazardous Waste site (residential quantities) Bulk Waste Collection (to be separated from other junk) Yellow lid recycling bin (clean and empty), Inflatable pool toys/mattresses Recycling Centre Balcatta. Recycling Centre Balcatta Recycling Centre Balcatta, Petrol or diesel The council, which manages waste from the cities of Wanneroo, Joondalup, Stirling, Perth and Vincent, plus the towns of Cambridge and Victoria Park, is proposing to set its member gate fee at $155 for 2015-16, up from $138.50. Recycling Centre Balcatta, Scrap metal (sheeting, wire) Recycling Centre Balcatta, Paper (not shredded) Tamala Park Recycling Centre Dark green lid general waste bin RSPCA Yellow lid recycling bin, Boxes (polystyrene/foam) Charity organisation - visit for more information, Vacuum cleaner dust WIN 1 in 10 double passes to the British Film Festival!

Yellow lid recycling bin, Manure/animal droppings Tamala Park Recycling Centre Greens waste verge collection Tamala Park Recycling Centre (fees may apply), Cartons (non silver lined milk and juice) Click here to view complete schedule of fees and charges for 2020/2021. Recycling Centre Balcatta, Jewellery Dark green lid general waste bin (cut into 30cm lengths), Rubber bands ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY Recycling Centre Balcatta, EPIRB locator beacons Organise private skip bin. Recycling Centre Balcatta, Tyres

Tamala Park Recycling Centre “The non-members’ gate fee has been increased by an inflationary increment ($6.67 per tonne or 3.9 per cent) for the first time in four years, recognising that the strategy of holding the non-members’ gate fee constant is being ineffective at drawing commercial tonnes back to Tamala Park,” it said. Tamala Park Recycling Centre Return to any pharmacy for free under the RUM Project, Metals - aluminium, steel, copper Yellow lid recycling bin, Juice cartons (silver lined) Wangara Greens Recycling Centre (weekends and public holidays only), Syringes and needles Compared with 329,593 tonnes delivered in 2014-15, the MRC expects member councils to deliver about 261,000 tonnes in 2015-16, with 75,000 tonnes of that diverted to the Neerabup resource recovery facility.

Charity organisation - visit for more information  Yellow lid recycling bin Yellow lid recycling bin, Beer cartons (empty & flattened)

Website: Tamala Park Recycling Centre Approved participant in the National TV & Computer Recycling Scheme, service provided through TechCollect . Tamala Park Recycling Centre Tamala Park Dark green lid general waste bin (cut into 30cm lengths), Garden Waste (larger branches, logs, roots)

Bulk Waste Collection Recycling Centre Balcatta, Pet food tins (rinsed)

Scroll down to browse the full A to Z list of household items and how to dispose of them.

Tamala Park or Wangara Greens Recycling Centre for scrap metal recycling, Large garden waste Dark green lid general waste bin, Photocopiers Tamala Park Recycling Centre Free disposal at Household Hazardous Waste site (residential quantities) Dark green lid general waste bin, Toilet paper rolls (inner)

Bulk Waste Collection Household hazardous waste– fees apply Tamala Park. Balcatta Recycling Centre (fees may apply)

The National Halon Bank operates a free call service to advise on disposal: Call 1800 658 084, Fishing line and hooks E-Waste drop off days

Gumtree Wangara Greens Recycling Facility (weekends and public holidays only) - tyres must be removed Tamala Park LandfillThe Tamala Park waste disposal facility is operated by Mindarie Regional Council (MRC), which is a separate entity to the Tamala Park Regional Council. Oil (cooking) Yellow lid recycling bin, Pet food pouches Free disposal at a Household Hazardous Waste site (residential quantities)

Tel: 9205 8555 Bulk Waste Collection Tamala Park Recycling Centre (fees may apply) Tamala Park Recycling Centre Dark green lid general waste bin RSPCA WA, 108 Malaga Drive, Malaga . Balcatta Recycling Centre (fees may apply) The Tamala Park Regional Council (TPRC) is a local government formed specifically to implement the urban development of the Tamala Park Project (marketed as Catalina Estate). “This increase in the members’ gate fee is driven primarily by the 68,267 tonne (20.7 per cent) reduction in tonnes received from members,” a report on the July 2 agenda said. Charity organisation - visit for more information, Cutlery (metal, plastic, wood or bamboo)

No fee applies.Paintback is a cost-effective solution for households and trade painters to remove unwanted paint and packaging. E-Waste drop off days Tamala Park Recycling Centre Visit to find your nearest location Bulk Waste Collection

Recycling Centre Balcatta (excluding fridges and freezers) Forgot your password?Account and registration help.

The City of Vincent acknowledges the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people. Their website provides further information on fees and opening times.

Dark green lid general waste bin (chopped up) City of Wanneroo Libraries Recycling Centre Balcatta Charity organisation - visit for more information Yellow lid recycling bin - scrunch into a fist sized ball first, Aluminium foil (dirty) Yellow lid recycling bin, Soft, flexible plastics Tamala Park (fees will apply), Two stroke oil Charity organisation - visit for more information Recycling Centre Balcatta, Polystyrene (meat trays, cups & containers) Dark green lid general waste bin, Pest control products

Recycling Centre Balcatta, Bags (plastic) Tissues Dark green lid general waste bin, Hose piping (reticulation or pipe) 1700 Marmion Avenue Tamala Park WA 6030 Contact Details.

(The City does not have an affiliation with any skip bin providers). Tamala Park Recycling Centre Dark green lid general waste bin, Vehicle oil  Tamala Park Recycling Centre For further details please see the current Schedule of Fees and Charges 2020/2021 above. Tamala Park Recycling Centre. E-waste drop off days. Free disposal at a Household Hazardous Waste site (residential quantities) Tamala Park Recycling Centre Accreditation: MRI Dropzone is a government approved Co-regulatory Arrangements under the National Television & Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS). Visit to find your nearest location, Nespresso pods Dark green lid general waste bin Bulk Waste Collection Dark green lid general waste bin, Hard drives Tamala Park Recycling Centre Small doonas which cannot be donated to charity should be placed in your dark green lid general waste bin E-Waste drop off days Dark green lid general waste bin, Margarine tubs (clean and empty with lid off)

Bulk Waste Collection Red Hill Waste Management Facility (fees may apply) Bulk Waste Collection Bulk Waste Collection Balcatta Recycling Centre (fees may apply) Left in marked bins at Battery World stores around Australia, (disposal fees may apply), Exercise equipment Tamala Park Recycling Centre, Mirrors (framed/whole) Dark green lid general waste bin, Fishing rods (in addition to general entry rate where part of a mixed load), Lightweight bulk material - per cubic metre Tamala Park Recycling Centre Tamala Park Recycling Centre Tamala Park Recycling Centre More than a million litres of unwanted paint has been diverted from landfill in the first year. Recycling Centre Balcatta, DVDs Bulk Waste Collection (tyre removed) Lucy Jarvis Wanneroo Times.

Fire extinguishers (red, non-halon only)

Bulk Waste Collection Tamala Park Recycling Centre

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