DPS stands for Damage Per Second. meh. So I worked on this a couple of weeks ago, and while it's not finished, this at least lists every Bridge Officer Power currently in the game. For example, as shields regenerate every 6 seconds, whenever you knock down a target’s facing shield, you want to do as much damage as possible to the opponent’s hull in the few seconds before the next shield regeneration ‘tick’. The damage done by these weapons is modified by several Captain skills from the skill tables and also by other means such as Tactical Consoles. Only beam arrays, turrets, torpedo launchers and mine launchers can be mounted in aft bays. Great Article, hope there’s more to come. The mines move into an ‘X’ pattern and take a few seconds to arm themselves, after which they will automatically target and home in on any hostile target that passes nearby. Beam weapons can be mounted on all ships. If the captain fires at an opponent 5km away, the damage will be reduced by -16% due to range (-4% per km over 1km) and each pulse of the tetryon beam will strike the target for 368 damage (438 x 0.84). Firing one of these weapon types will trigger a cooldown, and you will be unable to fire another weapon of the same type until the cooldown has expired. Occurs when activating one power puts any other copies of this power (regardless of rank) on a CD.

Great article.

So...is this good or bad? Next week is going to be incredibly busy for me; this is probably the 3rd highest priority project I'm working on right now, but I can't promise that future updates will be as timely. . Confuses and drags all mines within 5km of the targeted enemy toward that enemy. Mine Launchers don't have a firing arc per se, but are launched and are stationary until an enemy ship comes within a 2km proximity of them (this range can be increased to 4kms), at which time they will pursue and detonate upon impact. In some situations, the ability to deal as much damage as possible in a very short period of time – often referred to as burst damage – can be more significant. This means that multiple launchers in the same aft bay must be fired in sequence, and the maximum fire rate possible is one ‘mine deployment’ every nine seconds. I have been trying to take in all the info I can regarding the new abilities before the new skill launch. Unlike other weapons, mine launchers have no firing arc and do not require a target to to be fired. In STO, a key to survivability is taking enemies off the board and that is where the Jupiter is quite lackluster. Starship weapons are mounted in weapon bays. I’m going to be looking at the exact Mark Bonus in more detail soon, but for the moment, +10%/Mark is a good rule of thumb.). Thanks. I had the exact same sequence of events happen for Science Team (as for Engineering Team) with the same cooldown reduction from Development Lab Scientists, with and without the gel pack. All weapon types except mine launchers can be mounted in fore bays. For example, the Torpedo: High Yield ability increases the damage of the first torpedo launcher you fire in the next 30 seconds. The captain’s stat bonus of 77 is applied as a percentage, giving 100 x 77% = 77 bonus damage. When the Weapon Ranges article was published, Edgecase suggested a comparison of the ‘raw DPS’ of each energy weapon type over range, and this seemed like a suitable place to include one. The Standard Issue damage of each weapon type appears to be half of the base damage of a Mk X version: The above calculations appear to match both the damage displayed by the dynamic weapon tooltips and that actually done in combat in all the cases I’ve tested so far to within a few points of damage (which I suspect is due to rounding errors brought about by the game system only displaying integer values). Ability cooldowns and mine expiration permitting, of course. This is added to the base damage, giving 190 + 77 = 267 damage. As well as preventing you from firing more than one of these weapons at the same time, cooldowns limit the maximum rate of fire you can attain with multiple weapons of these types, and thus the maximum number of these weapons that can be used effectively in the same bay. Advanced Engineering Readiness and 1-2 Krenim gets you most of the way to Drake and Half-Drake setups working without the use of specializations or duty officers. I'm working on a spreadsheet that will list the Base, Group, and Duplicate CDs for every Bridge Officer power in the game. At 1 Krenim (10%), Bio-Neural Goop (7%), and 100 Readiness (20%), you get the following: Tactical Team/APB cooldown = 30*(1-0.07) / (1 + 0.3) = 21.46 seconds. Additional help. Just a note, there are some combos of EPtW that are actually un-reproducible, without significant investment. You have incorrect information on Tricobalts. The energy type of energy weapons has no effect on the base damage of the weapon. Several abilities affect the next attack you make with a specific type of weapon, or change the behaviour of a type of weapon for a short period. The captain’s stat bonus of 40 is applied as a percentage, giving 1,383 x 40% = 553 bonus damage. Great work and as always we appreciate the time that you spent number crunching to give us insight. For the time being, the best option appears to be to mount dual cannons or dual heavy cannons in pairs, with two dual heavy cannons seeming to perform slightly better than two dual cannons. for fire at will this is every 20 seconds. Launching more will cause the oldest previously fired group to despawn. It doesn't actually matter. 3 Technicians (x'=0.3), 1 Krenim (x=0.1), so: T(40,0.1,0.3) = 40(1-0.3)/(1+0.1) = 25.45s. Mine Launchers share a cooldown, like all cannons and torpedo launchers, preventing the player from laying large minecarpets. With a 6-second Maintenance Engineer and a Gel Pack: Engineering Team cooldown started at 28 seconds, then immediately jumped to 22 seconds. Please feel free to respond with questions, comments, or corrections as needed. Like most grenades, this ability requires that you have a valid target. The point is more to explain how these different mechanics interact with one another, and demonstrate that it's not as simple as 3x Technicians (30% Cooldown Reduction) plus 100 Engineering Readiness (20% Recharge Haste) is a modified Cooldown of 50%, to use an example. They are also the only weapon type with a full 360° firing arc, but pay for this by being the lowest damage energy weapons. Considering that EPtS I/EptW III last 30 seconds, this means you can effectively run 1 copy without needing DCEs, no? the normal cd is 30 seconds. The various types of starship weapon have different firing arcs. These will improve previously inefficient build configurations while allowing for some new ones. Your captain’s skills are one of the most important aspects of your character in Star Trek:... Out of all the things that differentiate your character from every other, Bridge Officer abilities are... Star Trek Online Starship Mechanics Guide, Recommended Star Trek Online Bridge Officer Space Abilities, WoW Classic: Darkmoon Faire Sayge Buffs Answers, Choosing Your Race: Racial Traits & Hitboxes, Winning Fallout Shelter: Faster Caps & No Raiders Trick, Anub’Arak Build & Guide – Heroes of the Storm, Shredder: Dual Wield Physical Damage Build, Path of Exile Leveling Areas And Tips For Grinding XP, Chance to disable a random subsystem (weapons, shields, engines or auxiliary) for a short period, Chance to reduce damage resistance by 10% for 15 seconds, Chance to apply a fire damage effect to hull for 15 seconds, Chance to reduce all shield facings by -80, Chance to apply Fire damage to hull for 10 sec, -100% Flight Speed and Turn Rate for 10 sec, The tooltips for weapons on your hotbar and in the weapons tray on the HUD are, The tooltips displayed for weapons in your inventory, on your ship’s status screen and in stores are, The DoT (Damage over Time) effect that Plasma energy weapons have a chance to apply appears to scale with the Mark of the weapon (I’m not yet sure if it is also affected by your captain’s skills), The shield damage that Tetryon weapons have a chance to apply does not scale with Mark, The power drain effect that Polaron weapons have a chance to apply doesn’t scale with Mark, The special effect of Antiproton weapons comes from the descriptions of the Antiproton weapons available as rewards from the Admiral-3+ Borg missions – I haven’t yet been able to get hold of one of these for testing, Fire energy weapons in ‘bursts’, allowing pauses for your weapon power level to recover, Equip items and use abilities that increase power transfer rate, which also increases the rate at which weapon power is replenished (examples include EPS Flow Regulator engineering consoles and the EPS Power Transfer ability of Engineer captains), Use items and abilities that increase your weapon power, either to give more power to drain or to replenish what your weapons have already drained (examples include Emergency Power to Weapons and Weapon Batteries), Change your weapons load-out to use fewer energy weapons, Projectile weapon damage is not affected by your weapon power, and projectile weapons do not drain any power when fired, The projectile type of a projectile weapon affects the weapon’s base damage and recharge rate, unlike the energy type of energy weapons, All projectile weapons do Kinetic damage. They are also the only weapon type other than beam arrays that allow you to bring weapons in both bays to bear on the same target, and unlike beam arrays, don’t require ‘broadsiding’ to achieve this – turrets mounted in the rear bay can fire upon targets directly ahead of you. Launces a destructible torpedo that detonates into a spread of tricobalt mines. With the galaxy torn apart by war, clashes between the various races and factions are common, and both Starfleet and KDF captains will spend a significant proportion of their time commanding their ships in battle. As a measure of a weapon’s ability to deal sustained damage, DPS is an important consideration when selecting which weapons to use. I'm also curious about what effect Conn Officers would have since the TT variant is a flat 2-8 second reduction on use of Tactical Team. I’m far from convinced that multiple cannons are working right at the moment, so am going to hold off on going into the details of the testing I’ve done for now – my expectation is that there will be changes at some point, which would render it all obsolete. Trigger EPtW -> wait 15 seconds for global, trigger EPtS -> wait 17 seconds -> EPtW is back up. For more information on the base damage done by mine launcher weapons, see the respective weapon type articles. Tachyon mines damage shields instead of hull and reduce energy damage resistance for a short time. Like phasers to plasma and quantum to tricobalt? Probably I'll add comments and link to them in the main post. While this can give multiple beam load-outs slightly more burst potential than cannons, it can also lead to significant weapon power drain (see Weapon Power and Power Drain, below). In general, it’s fairly easy to see which skills will affect a given weapon. With three plasma launchers mounted in the same bay, each will actually be firing every 9 seconds, and thus the DPS of each launcher will be 89% of normal.

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