minor pentatonic scale in all keys
A lick is a small musical phrase which you can use to help you improvise.
The only thing that changes is the center of gravity (i.e., the root note).
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We’re going to show you everything you need to know about the A minor pentatonic scale.
The best way to learn the forms of the minor pentatonic is to.
You can get more diagrams in the tuning of your choice by using my interactive web app HERE. As you know already, the minor pentatonic scale is a movable scale. In this lesson we’re going to be focusing on one of the most popular guitar scales, the A minor pentatonic scale.
In relation to the major scale the notes of the minor pentatonic scale are : C - Eb - F - G - Bb - C G minor pentatonic scale G - Bb - C - D - F - G D minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) D - F - G - A - C - D (five white keys on the keyboard) A minor pentatonic scale A - C - D - E - G - A (five white keys on the keyboard) E minor pentatonic scale E - G - A - B - D - E (five white keys on the keyboard) B Blues scale (Down - Up - Top) B - D - E - F - F# - A - B F# and Gb minor pentatonic scales F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, G - Bb - C - D - F - G D minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) D - F - G - A - C - D (five white keys on the keyboard) A minor pentatonic scale A - C - D - E - G - A (five white keys on the keyboard) E minor pentatonic scale E - G - A - B - D - E (five white keys on the keyboard) B Blues scale (Down - Up - Top) B - D - E - F - F# - A - B F# and Gb minor pentatonic scales F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, (five white keys on the keyboard) A minor pentatonic scale A - C - D - E - G - A (five white keys on the keyboard) E minor pentatonic scale E - G - A - B - D - E (five white keys on the keyboard) B Blues scale (Down - Up - Top) B - D - E - F - F# - A - B F# and Gb minor pentatonic scales F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, (five white keys on the keyboard) E minor pentatonic scale E - G - A - B - D - E (five white keys on the keyboard) B Blues scale (Down - Up - Top) B - D - E - F - F# - A - B F# and Gb minor pentatonic scales F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, (five white keys on the keyboard) B Blues scale (Down - Up - Top) B - D - E - F - F# - A - B F# and Gb minor pentatonic scales F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, B - D - E - F - F# - A - B F# and Gb minor pentatonic scales F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, F# - A - B - C# - E - F# Gb - A - B - Db - E - Gb Db and C# minor pentatonic scales Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, Db - E - Gb - Ab - B - Db C# - E - F# - G# - B - C# Ab minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, Ab - B - Db - Eb - Gb - Ab Eb minor pentatonic scale Eb - Gb - Ab - Bb - Db - Eb (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, (all five black keys on the keyboard) Bb minor pentatonic scale Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F, Bb - Db - Eb - F - Ab - Bb F minor pentatonic scale (Down - Up - Top) F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - F.
The 5 forms of the minor pentatonic make it possible to play the scale in any key anywhere on the fretboard.
Here’s a list of the 50 greatest guitar solos of all time: 50 Greatest Guitar Solos | Guitar World. Note that the intervals that make up the Am pentatonic scale are universal to all minor pentatonic scales. Here are the minor pentatonic scales for all minor keys: Relative Major/Minor Explained in More Depth. Enter your email address to learn our best guitar tips and tricks today! Licks help you improvise quickly and easily. Thank you! (It's free.).
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If you mess up, you'll hear it straight away, since it won't sound right.
But it's very nice and logical. 2 quick and easy tips for finding root notes.
Trust me, you can improvise massive blues solos with these 5 notes alone, just like BB.
It contains "BB's box", which is just 5 notes that BB King uses religiously.
A good way to understand relative major/minor keys is to consider that they both share the same notes.
They are the same 5 notes as the major pentatonic scale, but the tonic of the scale is a different note. This would work perfectly over an A blues progression. Your email address will not be published. More on that below though. To play this lick correctly, you must know how to play hammer on’s and pull off’s. The tonic of theminor pentatonic scale is the note (3 semitones) below the tonic of the major pentatonic scale. This is used to solo over a Blues or a song in the key of A minor, and we will be learning a 12-Bar Blues in the key of A very soon, so practise this scale now so you are ready to jam when we get to that. Musical scores are temporarily disabled. We'll send you a series of lessons that will move you to the next level of your guitar journey.
Read it left to right, starting from the bottom (the low E string). 5 positions of the A minor pentatonic scale .
However, we can combine these notes into note groupings … However you can’t just use the A minor pentatonic scale anywhere. Teach yourself guitar
We share ninja tips (for instant fun!) 3 awesome pentatonic licks which will make you sound amazing.
This is one of my favorite shapes.
The secret to why minor pentatonic scales are SO useful. The scale is made up of five notes per octave, that's why it has the word "penta", meaning 5 in Greek.
Notice that the left side of each shape is the same as the right side of the shape before it, which means that even if you forget a shape, you'll be able to deduct it from its neighbors. A minor pentatonic scale : A - C - D - E - G - A . It is similar to the natural minor scale, the alteration is that you need to omit the second and the sixth notes from the minor scale. This PDF contains the diagrams for all the Major and minor Pentatonic scales in all keys for guitar in standard tuning.
My opinion is that if you want to play blues or rock, you could play the minor pentatonic forever without looking at any other scale.
© National Guitar Academy Ltd | All Rights Reserved, https://nationalguitaracademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Minor-Pentatonic-Scale.mp3, https://nationalguitaracademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Pentatonic-Lick-1-.mp3, https://nationalguitaracademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Pentatonic-Lick-2.mp3, https://nationalguitaracademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Pentatonic-Lick-3.mp3, https://nationalguitaracademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Am-To-C-Backing-Track-.mp3, https://nationalguitaracademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Blues-Backing-Track-.mp3. After learning the different forms of the pentatonic, you'll want to start connecting the dots, literally The world is your oyster, feel free to experiment and move freely between the shapes. Easy as pie! The minor pentatonic scale works fantastically over a A blues. Watch this video to learn how: This one is a finger twister! It's very important to note that the above diagram could be. With this in mind, we created a cheat-sheet; a key and scale-finder that you can use again and again.
In relation to the major scale the notes of the minor pentatonic scale are : 1 - b3 - 4 - 5 - b7. The notes for the A minor pentatonic scale are found all over the fretboard, as shown in the diagram below.
They are the same 5 notes as the major pentatonic scale, but the tonic of the scale is a different note.
The scale shapes we learned above are all movable. To know when you can use this scale, you must understand how musical keys work.
The first backing track is in the key of A Minor and uses the chords A minor and C major.
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