Enter a stronghold to get this advancement. Smithing tables can also naturally generate in toolsmith houses in villages. Once you have your lodestone, you need to get a compass. When you break the bee nest with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch, it should drop as an item, with the bees still being in it, and the bees should not be angry at you. Thinking Ray's Works's Beacon-in-a-Box :D, 22. A warped fungus on a stick can be crafted using the recipes below. The campfire's smoke will still reach the beehive if it is within five blocks below it. Once you have those items, you have to find a strider. Just as I was starting to feel secure in the darkness, I discovered why people spoke of the Creeper in fearful tones, it wasn't just their ability to do damage in one sudden blast, but their ability to destroy the very structures you rely on for security. Crying obsidian can be obtained from bartering with piglins, from finding it as part of ruined portals, or from loot chests in bastion remnants. 3) Make the shape below using dirt and lava. Hold the Dragon Egg Requirements: Have a dragon eggin your inventory. Requirements: Be in a 20×20×14 range when a beacon is activated with a pyramid of height 4 (excluding the beacon itself). Diamond gear can also be obtained by trading with villagers, killing mobs for drops, and it can also generate in end city and woodland mansion chests.

[more information needed]. Next, craft and use a smithing table. To move the shulker through the exit portal you'll need it to exit the boat on the side of the exit portal central pillar, you can force this by placing slabs in all other suitable places, then push the shulker downwards with pistons. The status effects you will get from the Totem of Undying are: 45 seconds of Regeneration II, 40 seconds of Fire Resistance, and 5 seconds of Absorption II. If they all die after you fire the arrow, you should be rewarded the advancement. I set out against the monsters with a vengeance, raining death down upon the horde from my reborn castle, impenetrable with the power of cobblestone, taken from the very heart of the earth, and glorious with the magnificent browns of its beautiful dirt walls. Arrange the iron ingots and 2 sticks in the crafting table to make the iron pickaxe: Requirements: Block an incoming projectile using a shield. From the side, it should look something like this. The advancement will be rewarded to you as soon as you use the compass on the lodestone. If you place mineral blocks in a 5 x 5 manner with the 3 x 3 layout and a beacon on top of that, the beacon with have a power level of 2. First of all, you must find diamond ore. Diamond ore is very rare, but by either branch mining deep down in the world or exploring caves that go very low, you will eventually find one. One day as I was exploring, I came across my old house, got super excited, and im pretty sure (cant remember 100%) that when i got up to the house, i fell off and died. The 34 mobs you will need to kill include: blazes, cave spiders, creepers, drowned, elder guardians, ender dragons, endermen, endermites, evokers, ghasts, guardians, hoglins, husks, magma cubes, phantoms, piglins, piglin brutes, pillagers, ravagers, shulkers, silverfish, skeletons, slimes, spiders, strays, vexes, vindicators, witches, withers, wither skeletons, zoglins, zombies, zombified piglins, and zombie villagers. Then you need to find a skeleton, a pillager, a stray, a shulker, a blaze, a drowned with a trident, another player to help you, or anything else that fires projectiles. Requirements: Have a lava bucket in your inventory. For more information, see the advancement page. Parent of: The City at the End of the Game.

I added a sugar cane farm to make paper, crafted a map, loaded up on supplies, and began walking in every direction till I filled up the map. If you are in the Nether, you can also mine blackstone to get this advancement.

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