Tom’s emotional maturity definitely grows throughout the story.

Children can be more mature than an adult in their 30s.

(Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch. However, we often overestimate the age at which an individual is sufficently developed to take on more responsibilities.

Whatever the case, younger people may not want the responsibility to be so structured and cautious in everything they do.

I never saw them begging for money whereas a boy aged 30 still lives on his parents money and does not do any job. It’s an attitude built by experience.” The author of this quote is unknown, but their statement applies to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Maturity Is Not Measured By Age InThe Adventures Of Tom Sawyer By Mark Twain 1222 Words | 5 Pages “Maturity is not measured by age. He had an interesting and diverse literary career but with the life of little Tom Sawyer was where I was interested the most, especially in the adults because it seems to me that the adults are the real children here. Tom Sawyer embarks as a troublemaker who doesn't consider the consequences, Tom sawyer is a very fun and entertaining book and is great for all families and children alike. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom faces a challenge of maturity. Although in the beginning of the book, he was a troublemaker and was always yelled at by his Aunt Polly, in the end, he became a young man and was more mature than ever. “Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them, instead they require maturity to outgrow them.” (1). Sponsor This Essay. In his search for treasure, Tom learns about personal accountability. It is because they may want to prove it can be done, or that their idea is better than others.

Maturity is generally learned rather than instinctive; maturity is the full development of your mind set. Granted, some maturity does come with age. At what point you declare someone mentally mature is hard to define but given that wisdom from life experience would be a good indicator of maturity then the age of someone would imply more life experience. Generally an adult has more experience than a child thus making him more mature. Maturity is not measured by the number of years a person had lived. Maturity is dependent on age because with age brings experience, but not just that, as you age your brain develops and you are able to comprehend these experiences. Maturity is based on your mindset, choices, and responsibilities in life. Tom is a child that envies Huckleberry Finn’s life of laziness and freedom.

Why do i say this, I say this because the book of Tom Sawyer is set in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg may be small but it 's got everything a boy could ever want. Even in everyday life, we watch him develop from a, Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Technology, Strengths And Weaknesses Of Southwest Airlines, Literary Analysis Of Hop-Frog By Edgar Allan Poe, Interconnectedness In Let The Great World Spin By Colum Mccann, Argumentative Essay : Animal Entertainment. Although age is the defining number that decides what and when we are able to do certain things, we as people, have the ability to decide what our actions are. It is believed that adults are supposed to be responsible, and hence mature. Yeah, tell a 25 year … This notorious novel portrays the hectic life and experiences of a reckless, adventure-loving boy. Depending on genetic variations & environmental factors the rate of growth will vary.With Psychological maturity genes & environment are equally important and explain why some are seen as more mature for there age than others. Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, was born on November 30, 1835. Being a mature person is coming terms with yourself and knowing who you are as an individual. Two small boys aged 12 and 11 do various jobs to collect money for their sister s operation. Of course maturity has to do with age, Hi momfather to make a meeting in the mailbox to do with the cabinet in a meeting will be there shortly before we left i had a customer that way shortly after the prop after a chance do it on the same day and need a meeting in houston for you today or tuesday night because I need to know where. Maturity depends upon experiences. Maturity is in everyone but it's up to us whether we want to show it or not. National characteristics of Americans with their practicality, utilitarian morality and native cheerful humor which is highly different from the sarcastic and surly British humor are, Throughout multiple exciting adventures and dangerous explorations in the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, we see Tom Sawyer mature. “Maturity is not measured by age. This already starts off showing his act of immaturity because he traveled to an island without the, Our Cultural Revolution And Our Culture Revolution, My Favorite Piece Of Art : Dormition Of The Virgin, The Importance Of The Natural World In The Scarlet Letter, The Main Characteristics Of A Good Leader In South Africa. 1222 Words5 Pages.

Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, was born on November 30, 1835. And people have different speed rates to figure that out.

The Meaning of Maturity Being a mature student does not mean being an old timer. “Maturity is not measured by age. So maturity depends on experience not age. One assumes that as we age we become more mature and I believe that to be so for the most part. When we conquer maturity we are not just passing and age milestone, because quite in fact our age doesnt determine our maturity. It's obvious that an individual must be sufficiently developed to be mature. It's an attitude built by experience. Someone could be 40 years old and still act like a 13 year old whereas a 13 year old who has gone through many tragic things could act as a 40 year old. I believe that age is not an issue when determining someone’s maturity. Yet we often like to use their lack of maturity as an excuse to deprive them of the real world experiences they need to mature. With this brain development, you are able to have a better understanding on what you believe and what you have been through.

Other people refer to it as the ability of an individual to act responsibly. He witnesses a murder, goes to an island and pretends he’s a pirate, gets lost in a cave, finds buried treasure, and goes, important personality is Tom Sawyer. He matures through the love of Aunt Polly, Becky, Huck and other characters in the novel. Tom and his friends, Joe Harper and Huck Finn, enter a stage in their lives where they want to become pirates, so take a raft to Jackson’s Island and make a campsite out there to find treasure.

But even at that not all 30 year old's or adults in general could just automatically be more mature cause they are of age. ByAt the end of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, the main character, Tom, has had several dangerous and amusing experiences that show that although he is not completely mature, Tom Sawyer is more emotionally, mentally, and morally mature than when the story began; therefore proving that Tom Sawyer has come-of-age in the novel. It just really depends on the person's life experience, mentality, responsibility, and life choices. I have been told time and time again, by strangers, that at the age of twenty-one, I am just plain too young to be thinking about marriage and family. In t he Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain reintroduces Tom near the end of, Tom Sawyer is the central character of the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Maturity is not measured by age. In a way you could say the child is ignorant to what he/she has been through. Twain worked for newspapers and began writing humorous books and was very gifted, which led to the writing of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The role of Tom Sawyer is to be a foil for Huck inhibiting his maturity by asking Huck to help him commit theft, his own constant need for stimulus, and his inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

Age is a crucial factor for an individual to interpret what he wants to do with his actions. Maturity doesn't resemble on age because, some children/ teenagers maybe more mature than some adults, this is because they understand the world differently and have probably had more experience in the hard times at an young age. However, a child with more experience has more maturity than an inexperienced man; therefore opposing the persons age. Biologically an organism needs time to grow to maturity. All the experiences, facts and people around you explain you're maturity.Suppose think you're with a bunch of little kids at that time it's your choice to be an Responsible person or an person who is also a kid. Although his age is not specified, Mark Twain, writes him in a way that he envelopes the life of an eleven to twelve year old mischievous boy. This really adds to the excitement and appeal of the book. So sometimes it no fault of their own, their age may have something to do with lack of maturity and , ignorance is bliss! The younger person tends to not take others opinions or concerns as seriously or decides to do things impulsively.

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