lotus elan m100 a pillar seals
'A' Pillar seal as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 - left hand side. Wiper blade as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 [Federal] - New condition. 'A' Pillar seal as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 - right hand side. Arm Stowage Hinge, left hand, as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100, Arm Stowage Hinge, right hand, as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100. This is new condition and is obsolete from Lotus Cars. This is the front/side Indicator lens that was originally fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 and the Esprits from 1993 onwards - S4/S4S/GT3 and V8.
Length 1129mm. Authorised NOBLE Service Centre and Independent LOTUS specialist. Please be patient to give us some time to transfer the shop catalog, site data, news & memberships etc to this new platform.
Rear lamp cover Left Hand for Lotus Elan M100 - 1990 onwards. Windscreen header rail, as fitted to Lotus Elan M100. Photograph shows both left hand and right hand seals. This part is now obsolete. Finisher - Windscreen Top as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100. Intermediate Seal as fitted to the left hand side of the Lotus Elan M100. Lotus Elan M100 models only. £115.80 Exterior Trim - The South West Lotus Centre Ltd, [Elan M100] Carrier Kit-Falling Pillar RH, [Elan M100] Carrier Kit-Falling Pillar LH, [Elan M100/Esprit] Lens-Front/Side Indicator-Pair. This is a 4-piece set - right hand sill, left hand sill, right hand and left hand rear panels. Recommended Retail Price. Etched and convex left-hand mirror glass suitable for left-hand drive. Wiper arm assembly, right hand, RHD as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 Series 1 and 2. 'A' Pillar seal as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 - left hand side. Protective, anit-chip film set as fitted to Lotus Elan 1990 onwards.
These are aftermarket gaskets we have had made to the exact same mould.
These are aftermarket housings we have had made to the exact same mould.
We hold a small stock of this item but are usually made-to order in batches.
Complete with aerofoil. Hi, we are just updating our Club website and shop. Fax: 01362 695522, Club Address - 58, Malthouse Court, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 4UA. Gasket as fitted to the front and side indicator housing on the Lotus Elan M100 and Lotus Esprit (1993 onwards). JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. These are made to the Lotus OE specification as originals are no longer available. Door mirror assembly as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100, this part has now gone obsolete from Lotus Cars but we do have stock. Lotus Cars have just taken delivery of a consignment of replacement rubber seals (part nos B100V0117F & 118F A Pillar Seals). Length 556mm each. 23½" length blade. Finisher-Windscreen Side as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100. It is a newly made lens as this part is now obsolete from Lotus Cars. Photograph shows both left hand and right hand seals. Please note they do not come with bulb holders - but we are trying to source. These are made to the Lotus OE specification as originals are no longer available. Carrier Kit (metal sleeve for the rubber seal) for the falling pillar on the left hand side of the hood fitted to the Lotus Elan M100. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.
Accessories. This part is now obsolete. These have been out of stock for some time so now's your chance to get hold of a pair. Intermediate Seal as fitted to the right hand side of the Lotus Elan M100. Sold in pairs with Amber bulbs.
The original housing for the front and side indicator on the Lotus Elan M100 and Lotus Esprit (1993 onwards) is now obsolete.
The part is now obsolete from Lotus Cars but we have commissioned this part in fibreglass - unpainted. Anything you need right now please call the Club on Tel: 01362 694459 / 691144. [Elan M100] Finisher-Windscreen Side 556mm, [Elan M100] Wiper Arm with Aerofoil RH RHD, All credit/debit card payments are processed by. This part is no longer available from Lotus Cars. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Carrier Kit (metal sleeve for the rubber seal) for the falling pillar on the right hand side of the Lotus Elan M100.
'A' Pillar seal as fitted to the Lotus Elan M100 - right hand side. These are made to the Lotus OE specification as originals are no longer available.
Door mirror with convex glass to suit left-hand drive Elan M100 models. This will fit the RHD/EU version with adaption. Good news for all Elan M100 owners with 'A' pillar water leaks. Photograph shows both left hand and right hand seals.
Photograph shows both left hand and right hand seals. This part is now obsolete. Hood header panel as fitted to the soft top on the Lotus Elan M100.
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