Wasn’t that faith? Jesus really does mean for us to move mountains. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.

Bring him here to me.” (Matthew 17:17). How would you live differently if you really believed that nothing would be impossible for you?

But, as their Creator, the one to whom they would ultimately give an account for their sin (John 5:22; Romans 14:12), he was despised and rejected by them (Isaiah 53:3). Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. Yes God even controls the quicksand and can pull us up out of it onto solid ground again. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This was no impatient outburst of a tired man.

I was reminded that no mountain is to great for my mighty and powerful God. If we currently have little faith, it is possible for us to have more faith. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Their ministry failure was due to their little faith. That my Heavenly Father wants good things for me and he does not throw the mountains in my path, but he does move the mountains in my path. Oh, many loved that he could heal, feed, and excite them with miracles.

How long am I to bear with you? Jesus put the blame squarely on the disciples’ shoulders.

But like all of Jesus’s rebukes to his disciples, his reproof is not intended to condemn us but to exhort us to press in further. The afflicted boy was brought to Jesus, whose omnipotent word soon dispatched both demon and disease. Of course, not every unanswered prayer for healing, provision, conversion, etc. It was harder for him to bear than any of them imagined.

is a result of little faith. Those are searing words. This was a careful, measured, if anything highly restrained and understated revelation of the exasperation the Holy One experiences bearing with evil people (Luke 11:13) who don’t really know how evil they are (John 2:24–25). For often he falls into the fire, and often into the water. Phew. “Little faith” is not a permanent label. If we failed yesterday or today, we don’t have to continue to fail. Jesus doesn’t commend this. Change ). It was like waves crashing in on me, or as I told God I felt like I was in quicksand and was sinking quickly wondering how I would get it all done in time. What must it have been like for Jesus to have created and uniquely loved each of these people who, because of their own perversity, did not know, believe, or receive him (John 1:3, 10–11)? These words were aimed at the disciples, the crowd, Israel, the world, and us.

by Lorrie T. Are you facing struggles that seem overwhelming and your mind is twirling around in a million different directions trying to figure out what to do. He wants us to live in the bold joy of knowing that nothing will be impossible for us.

And Jesus *answered saying to them, “Have faith in God. He wants us to live in the bold joy of knowing that nothing will be impossible for us. If Jesus’s rebuke over our little faith makes our heads droop, his promise should make our jaws drop: “nothing will be impossible for you.” Those are not empty words.

Our faithlessness is the worst part of our perversity (numerous English translations choose “perverse” in Matthew 17:17). But whatever faith was present, while apparently well meaning, didn’t produce any results.

It didn’t put God’s glory and power on display, it didn’t proclaim the coming of the kingdom of God, and it didn’t help the boy or the father. This account is included in the Scriptural canon in part to make us squirm and force us to ask the same soul-searching question over our ministry failures that the disciples were forced to ask: “Why could we not ____?”. Jesus means it as a catalyst for our transformation. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Proverbs says that no one who visits the “forbidden woman” will return to the paths of life. And the disciples, at that moment, were counted among the faithless and twisted. Jesus has changed my life and I want the world to know how much he loves them. If God has called you by his grace into glory, he will never revoke that calling. If we are not seeing mountains move, we are living beneath our means. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

Matthew 17:20 - And He *said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. I am a daughter and this mountain does not have control over me and it certainly is not greater than the name of Jesus. It is a request he loves to grant. You see God has moved many mountains in my life and it has always happened and I have always given God praise. Perhaps.

But were the disciples really faithless? New developments with my mom and the enemy is being unrelentless. My mind started to spin, thinking of all the things I would have to take care of.

It is a request he loves to grant.

I was quickly reminded this morning that God has moved my mountains and that it was not a matter if he would move the mountain but when he would move the mountain. Good. We must not be content with this. And I brought him to your disciples, and they could not heal him.” (Matthew 17:15–16). ( Log Out /  But I have been facing some stumbling blocks of late until a powerful message at church today. He *said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm. That’s why Jesus didn’t commend their effort; instead he rebuked their failure. That my Heavenly Father wants good things for me and he does not throw the mountains in my path, but he does move the mountains in my path. ( Log Out /  Today I was hit with some overwhelming news about my Mother, suddenly all the things I thought I had a year to take care of have been condensed into 2 months or 6 weeks. And He *said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Don’t let cynicism squelch that question.

Our wonderful and powerful God that controls the wind and the waves. If we recognize that we have little faith, let us repent today and join the disciples in pleading, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5), and not let God go until he blesses us with an answer. ( Log Out /  We are living as paupers when we have millions in our heavenly bank account. That phrase is a check to be cashed. They were faithless and twisted, and Jesus, who was faithful and righteous (Revelation 3:14), was dwelling among them.

On the mountain, Jesus revealed his divine glory to Peter, James, and John. All of these are wrapped into the Greek word geneá (generation): a group, a nation, or an entire age. I started asking God to pull me out of the quicksand, to take control of the situation, and speaking out the truth that God had told me a few months ago. This was an unnerving answer. We’re on a mission to change that. Our Heavenly Father is loving and after what Jesus suffered on the cross we don’t walk powerless, but rather we walk powerfully. The faith of God’s people is the channel through which God chooses to manifest much of his glory that results in the conversion of unbelievers. So, yes I may be struggling with some legal items such as guardianship of my mother and powers of attorney, I will walk strong and I will lean into God when the mountain seems to high. New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. I am really struggling right now and trying to keep it all together. If we have little faith, then little glory is seen through us. So can we be. If we recognize that we have little faith, let us repent today and join the disciples in pleading, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5), and not let God go until he blesses us with an answer. Posted on January 21, 2018 Later, when the disciples privately asked Jesus why they had failed, his explanation was succinct: “Because of your little faith” (Matthew 17:20). Yes it really is a matter of when the mountain will move, but always trust that God will move the mountain. I was reminded that no mountain is to great for my mighty and powerful God. God does not test us and thrown obstacles in our paths, but when we trust God, and we walk with God, then we walk powerfully. And in this narrative, the sovereign God makes a clear statement: Little faith results in ministry failure.

Fear is a Battering Ram on Your Soul and Spirit. When contemplating such a question, it can be tempting for some of us to quickly point to the errors of the word-of-faith movement and reaffirm that we aren’t going to fall in that ditch. Yes, God is sovereign. Our Heavenly Father is loving and after what Jesus suffered on the cross we don’t walk powerless, but rather we walk powerfully. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. You can almost see the impotent, humbled disciples casting chastened glances at each other. The four had just rejoined the rest of the disciples and the ever-present, clamoring, curious, constantly needy crowd when a desperate father threw himself before Jesus and pleaded, “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and he suffers terribly. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. For this is what he followed up with: “For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20). So, is a man who seeks a prostitute doomed. But that does not excuse us to live at peace with little faith and impotence in kingdom ministry. ( Log Out /  Speak peace, calm a raging sea I know He can deliver You like He delivered me My God can mend what's broken Make it better if you'll just believe Thank you. After all, they had tried to cast out the demon and disease. It robs us of more than we know. And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would obey you. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In Jesus’s exclamation, we get a glimpse into the deep anguish and grief that he lived with during his sojourn on earth. Jon Bloom serves as author, board chair, and co-founder of Desiring God. Jesus’s response must have caught everyone off-guard: “O faithless and twisted generation, how long am I to be with you? He is author of three books.

I know that God is walking this path with me and is like a wrecking ball knocking things out of my way on this journey I am on.

I will not sink in the quicksand but stand on the solid rock of Jesus in the midst of my struggles. We should not.

Thank you. Who was Jesus calling faithless and twisted? More accurately, our lack of faith in God is the root of all our perversity.

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