x�b```b``�e`e`�eb@ !�(�L��C�> fI�C j�v� U�ة������ Does Your New Business Need A Professional Fire Protection Service?

h���k�0��=n���O(�$[Ya��Z�A郗�Đ�⸰��ӝ%UN�6M������Y:�zeyN %,��r"p� W�� gu;I�v�p�8�4�)G�!�;KDn%�����Q�)�Nɵ{����Π��$n&�!�2����/e5�7D3�}*[� �*;[� �n�^5�����@�"���Y� ��zV,���a]����(�e����bz��j�� 0000000812 00000 n 0000009851 00000 n 0000032530 00000 n Cost submitted on attachment “F” shall be total cost: Service INCLUDING, but not limited to, Truck Charge, Fuel Charge, Environmental Charge, Service Call, Etc. %%EOF 0000009206 00000 n

Your best bet is to check with your local fire protection company on what needs to be inspected to get a more accurate idea of the cost. Your Photos and Short Videos give us more insight into the details often missed an email, a text and even in conversation. Improperly attempting to service a fire extinguisher could also leave areas vulnerable in case of an actual emergency which could cause property damage or loss of life. H���mO�0���S���E]?�-!�ѥ�I F<1 �� 0000004114 00000 n The employee should also look for any damage, missing components, and corrosion as well. CFS Fire Protection, Inc. is a Professional Fire Protection Inspection and Certification Testing Company conducting National Fire Protection Association (NFPA-10) compliant Inspection Services enforced by the California Fire Marshal to Inspect, Recharge, Test, Maintain and Certify Commercial Portable Fire Extinguishers. trailer

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CFS Fire Protection, Inc. has Expertly Trained and Licensed Fire Protection Service Technicians who are available to fulfill all Your Commercial Fire Protection Service needs.

0000007998 00000 n Extinguisher type 10-Point Maintenance & Annual Certification 5lb ABC Dry Chemical $8.00 10lb ABC Dry Chemical $8.00 20lb ABC Dry Chemical $8.00 Part Price Pull Pin $1.00 Hose Band & Clip $5.00 This pricing information is applicable for clients needing servicing of fire extinguishers only. 0000043377 00000 n Our writers are experienced journalists who adhere to our strict, A home single-use fire extinguisher that is capable of fighting A, B or C type fires costs, Multi-use home and office fire extinguishers typically cost, Some fire extinguishers are designed for specific areas such as the kitchen or in the car. 0000044468 00000 n

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the pricing I have gotten so far seems high, 10 Reasons to Shop Small Business Saturday on Nov. 28, Priding Fire Extinguisher Service companies. 0000003165 00000 n <<1830B02C76A73440BBA33712EC549567>]>> This type of inspection requires a professional fire protection company with certified personnel to come onsite to thoroughly examine each extinguisher to see if repairs are needed. 0000002816 00000 n %PDF-1.7 %���� Refilling a fire extinguisher typically costs $15-$20. 0000152245 00000 n Multi-Purpose or ABC Dry Chemical Extinguishers are designed to be used on more than one Fire Class, but even though the Multi Class Dry Chemical Agent this Extinguisher contains can be used to extinguish different Fire Classifications, it is still limited to be used on a small number of specific Fuels. Extinguishers come in many different sizes and configurations designed for use on specific Classifications of Fires and the specific Fuels they Burn.

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