IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu is recognized throughout the profession and Eta Kappa Nu members carry with them the distinction of superior scholarship, attitude, and character. Lambda Omega If it is not, let IEEE-HKN Headquarters know so that you receive IEEE-HKN updates and news throughout the years. Whether you are a current IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu student or alum, IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu wants to keep in touch with you. HKN is a unique organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in these fields. Eta Kappa Nu is the International Honor Society for Electrical Engineers. While one goal of the society is the stimulation and reward of scholarship, Eta Kappa Nu has a far broader purpose than merely to award a badge of distinction to scholars.

We are honored to supervise and support the undergraduate members of Kappa Theta Chapter at the University of California, Riverside and Rho Delta Chapter at California State University, San Bernardino. Membership fee $90 Must be paid by the night of the Induction Ceremony. Read more about the latest initiatives started by IEEE-HKN NUS and stay updated with upcoming events. Xi Chapter is the branch at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. While one goal of the society is the stimulation and reward of scholarship, Eta Kappa Nu has a far broader purpose than merely to award a badge of distinction to scholars. Having an association with IEEE-HKN is more than another bullet point on a resumé; it’s a history of leadership, accomplishment, and initiative. The CSULB chapter, Epsilon Theta, was founded on Saturday, February 13, 1965. Browse through the resources our members have curated for various modules offered by NUS Electrical Engineering department. Employers seek out IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu chapters and graduates and generally have a close recruiting relationship with chapters. Penn State Eta KappA Nu (HKN) is an honor society consisting of the top 33% of seniors and top 25% of juniors in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science.

Excellence in the profession and in education. Click below to see why you should join. ©Copyright 2019 IEEE – All rights reserved. Covers ceremony, HKN+IEEE Membership… Use of this website signifies your agreement to the, IEEE-HKN Candidates for the Board of Governors 2020 Election, IEEE-HKN’s Second Worldwide Tetris Competition. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. 2322-24 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590 PRIVACY STATEMENT: Members who provide personal information as the key contact for a local chapter, a local alumni association or a local house corporation should be aware that this information is publicized on the Fraternity's website ( for prospective members to contact. View all members. Founded on 28 October 1904 for students of electrical engineering, IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is the honour society of IEEE that strives to promote excellence in the profession and in education among its student members through developing the 3 ideals of Scholarship, Character, and Attitude. IEEE websites place cookies on your computer to give you the best user experience. Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is an international Electrical & Computer Engineering honor society with chapters at approximately 200 locations in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

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