Poetical Books

The prophet's own life and experience form the fit starting point of the prophecy concerning the sin atonement.

Pauline Epistles To seal up — To abrogate the former dispensation of the law, and to ratify the gospel covenant. last in person. .

By his merit. Seventy weeks — These weeks are weeks of days, and these days are so many years. A1: 25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. He gave Himself to redeem us from our bondage to sin and death (Galatians 1:3-5; Ephesians 2:1). By his resurrection and ascension6.

Christ makes the covenant, not Antichrist!

. We cannot now expect that God should send answers to our prayers by angels, but if we pray with fervency for that which God has promised, we may by faith take the promise as an immediate answer to the prayer; for He is faithful that has promised. of Scripture. Messiah was anointed with the Holy Ghost ( Act 4:27 10:38 ). But the prophets ( Jer 27:9-11 ) declared it to be God's will that they should submit to Babylon.

And to anoint the Most Holy, "the Holy of holies."

To make an end of sin.

The seventieth week has been completely fulfilled by the three and a half year ministry of Christ.

Minor Prophets Shall cause the sacrifice to cease — All the Jewish rites, and Levitical worship. Prophets

Which best represents the problem with the comment? 2. understood by books--rather, "letters," that is, Jeremiah's letter ( Jer 29:10 ) to the captives in Babylon; also Jer 25:11, 12; compare 2Ch 36:21 Jer 30:18 31:38. There is here an allusion only to Antiochus' act; to comfort God's people when sacrificial worship was to be trodden down, by pointing them to the Messianic time when salvation would fully come and yet temple sacrifices cease.

Sackcloth and ashes is extreme mourning and / or repentance. Israel reached the summit of abominations, which drew down desolation ( Mat 24:28 ), nay, which is the desolation itself, when, after murdering Messiah, they offered sacrifices, Mosaic indeed in form, but heathenish in spirit (compare Isa 1:13 Eze 5:11 ). .

Messiah the Prince--Hebrew, Nagid.

He asks God, because of His great mercy, to hear, to forgive, to listen, and to act on behalf of His people (Daniel 9:4-19). Prophets .

Christ brings this in, 1.

GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point

for the overspreading of abominations--On account of the abominations committed by the unholy people against the Holy One, He shall not only destroy the city and sanctuary ( Dan 9:25 ), but shall continue its desolation until the time of the consummation "determined" by God (the phrase is quoted from Isa 10:22, 23 ), when at last the world power shall be judged and dominion be given to the saints of the Most High ( Dan 7:26, 27 ).

26. after threescore and two weeks--rather, the threescore and two weeks. Here the old covenant is to be confirmed, but in a way peculiar to the New Testament, namely, by the one sacrifice, which would terminate all sacrifices ( Psa 40:6, 11 ). The greatness of God and His dreadful abhorrence of sin should prepare sinners for reverent, humble acknowledgment of the justice of their punishment. We’re continuing our series on different interpretations of Daniel 9:24-27 and this time we are talking with Dr. Robert Chisholm, department chair and professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary.Chisholm is the author of many books, including Handbook on the Prophets.. Verse 26b = B1.

By his death and blood shedding. Verses 25-26a = A1.

Finding the new version too difficult to understand?

Then, on the road to Damascus, Saul, renamed Paul, was appointed as the apostle to the Gentiles.

To bring in everlasting righteousness, that is, "the righteousness, or righteous ONE, of ages"; that person who had been the object of the faith of mankind, and the subject of the predictions of the prophets through all the ages of the world.

SIR ISAAC NEWTON explains the wing ("overspreading") of abominations to be the Roman ensigns (eagles) brought to the east gate of the temple, and there sacrificed to by the soldiers; the war, ending in the destruction of Jerusalem, lasted from spring A.D. 67 to autumn A.D. 70, that is, just three and a half years, --------------------

-------------------- -------------------- Ahasuerus was a name common to many of the kings of Medo-Persia. What it means is to make an end of vision and prophecy by fulfilling it.

Verses 26-27 are very specific that the Messiah would work for three and a half years, half of a week, before being "cut off." 22. to give thee.

Artaxerxes, in the seventh year of his reign, gave him the commission which virtually includes permission to rebuild the city, afterwards confirmed to, and carried out by, Nehemiah in the twentieth year ( Ezr 9:9 7:11, &c. ). VI. determined--literally, "cut out," namely, from the whole course of time, for God to deal in a particular manner with Jerusalem. The angel says the Messiah would accomplish this "in the middle [midst, KJV] of the week."

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-------------------- . (Romans 11:25-29). This misunderstanding results from the fact that the descriptions of the Messiah and the Beast are interwoven in verses 26-27. Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his voice.

He shews the cure of this disease in three words1.

fathers-- ( Exd 20:5 ). Caught Up in the Rapture, The Seventy Weeks Prophecy is perhaps best known for its descriptions of the future Beast.

The seventy years exile was a punishment, but not a full atonement, for the sin of the people; this would come only after seventy prophetic weeks, through Messiah. committed iniquity. .

And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; for this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins."

defer not--He implies that the seventy years are now all but complete. Of the Medes — This Darius was not Darius the Persian, under whom the temple was built, as some have asserted, to invalidate the credibility of this book; but Darius the Mede, who lived in the time of Daniel. God's promise was absolute, but prayer also was ordained as about to precede its fulfilment, this too being the work of God in His people, as much as the external restoration which was to follow.

God's annual holy days reveal that this is not the only "day of salvation"—that He is working with only a relative few right now, and the rest of mankind will have an opportunity for salvation either during the Millennium or after the Second Resurrection.

Israel, having rejected Christ, was rejected by Christ, and henceforth is counted dead (compare Gen 2:17 with Gen 5:5 Hsa 13:1, 2 ), its actual destruction by Titus being the consummation of the removal of the kingdom of God from Israel to the Gentiles ( Mat 21:43 ), which is not to The starting-point of the seventy weeks dated from eighty-one years after Daniel received the prophecy: the object being not to fix for him definitely the time, but for the Church: the prophecy taught him that the Messianic redemption, which he thought near, was separated from him by at least a half millennium.

. . Of the Medes — This Darius was not Darius the Persian, under whom the temple was built, as some have asserted, to invalidate the credibility of this book; but Darius the Mede, who lived in the time of Daniel.

Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing Daniel 9:27: Leviticus 23:9-14 Prophets 6. prophets. . Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost hold great significance for the firstfruits who have already made the New Covenant, but they have little spiritual meaning for the Israelites who have not. (2) The return of Ezra (regarded by the Jews as a second Moses) from Persia to Jerusalem, the restoration of the city, the nationality, and the law.

His prophetic life lasted three and a half years; the very time in which "the saints are given into the hand" of Antichrist ( Dan 7:25 ). Pentateuch Pauline Epistles

. . . Prophets It is literally "the many," and whenever it is used in the Old Testament, it refers to either the covenant people Israel or to the saints, that is, true believers. thine own sake--often repeated, as being the strongest plea ( Jer 14:21 ). seal up. Historical Books

'After Three Days'. 13. yet made we not our prayer before--literally, "soothed not the face of."

26a And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; B1: 26b and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.

So hereafter, God-Messiah will "anoint" or consecrate with The verses below are formatted this way to help in understanding the prophecy.

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