As of this installment, we know that Donald Trump faced a familiar test of presidential mettle, and badly failed.

He’s the embodiment of what we’re all supposed to be doing right now. Our journalistic and political assumption is that each side to a debate will “try” to tell the truth—and will count it as a setback if they’re caught making things up. But most politicians, like most people, usually lie for a reason.

Neither the United States nor China is big and dominant enough to force the other country—also big, also dominant—to do something its leadership or public genuinely does not want to do. Before he finished the question, Trump was talking over him to challenge the premise. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1992 and then entered training as a naval aviator. Narrowly parsed, and in full context, Trump was referring only to the test kits — and was continuing his (fantasized) complaint that rules left over from 2016, under the Obama administration, are the real reason the U.S. has been so slow to respond to this pandemic. “But he’s so self-deprecating. One other person has been in the spot Fauci now occupies. “A failed presidential candidate.” “She has no idea what’s doing on.”, Third, the misogyny: Repeatedly avoiding the name of Gretchen Whitmer, elected last year as governor of Michigan, and calling her “the woman in Michigan.” Check the C-SPAN video if you’re in doubt about the dismissive tone of these remarks, and recall Trump’s frequent references to “Crooked Hillary” and “Crazy Nancy Pelosi.”. If Biden wins, it won’t necessarily mean the forecasts were correct. No, not all travel from Europe was suspended. The USS Theodore Roosevelt, which holds about 5,000 sailors, arrived in Guam on March 27. Rather it is to note this moment in the United States’s relationship with its most consequential foreign partner-and-competitor. And what about the speech, just as a speech? What are we going to do about it? This year’s Easter Day is April 12, or 19 days after Trump’s announcement. One audience that Trump himself takes seriously—the world financial system—obviously took a dim view of his statement, as markets around the world headed sharply downward practically as soon as he began to talk. If you look at the H1N1 [under Obama], if you look at that whole—that was a disaster, that was a tough period of time for our country. He’s not a glory hound — not that guy,” said Brett Odom, who roomed with him in flight school in Florida and watched him take command of the Roosevelt just six months ago at a ceremony in San Diego. The election will be weird, no matter what.

It laid out the case for immediate action to protect the Roosevelt’s crew, and ended this way: 7. Request all available resources to find NAVADMIN and CDC compliant quarantine rooms for my entire crew as soon as possible. When we talked recently about the state of American politics, I recognized the air of authority I had heard in clips of his eponymous web show and his public speeches rallying Latinos in Texas to vote—for Donald Trump. Brett Crozier, 50, said that he knew the 'red flare' letter warning about the coronavirus outbreak aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt in March would jeopardize his position All politicians, like all people, will lie about matters large and small. He does not care that the Adonis-like heroic portrait that has hung for years at Mar-a-Lago would be a source of mirth for most viewers. He has now tested positive for COVID-19 himself, The New York Times reports. They want someone to like or treat them better. Crozier by members of his crew,” the senators wrote, “we are additionally worried about the impact of this decision on morale and readiness.”, Even Navy Secretary Modly, the man who dismissed him, said “this was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”, “I know that in my heart and in the heart and mind of this particular officer, every single thing that he was doing was with the best interests of the crew in mind,” Modly told conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt. Here’s what you need to know. 4) Repeating the mistakes of 2015. But they would not have said them—on nationwide TV, during a crisis, when supposedly trying to inspire, unite, and heal. Getting it enacted required sustained, major efforts from Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic speaker of the House, and from Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, who got every one of his fellow Democrats to vote for the bill. News media are talking about your ship and what your captain is going to do,” she wrote her daughter, who was on her first deployment. The Voice 2020, Age, Parents, Girlfriend, Instagram, Where Is The Repair Shop Filmed? To hear more feature stories, get the Audm iPhone app. That’s how he commanded so much free airtime on cable TV through 2015 and early 2016: it was the latest must-watch reality show. But when Trump signed the bill yesterday, not a single Democratic legislator was present. “The former captain … [has] taken a temporary staff job with Naval Air Forces in San Diego, officials confirmed Tuesday,” said the paper not affiliated with the military. If this seems harsh, compare George W. Bush’s Oval Office address after the 9/11 attacks, or Ronald Reagan’s in 1986 on defense spending and arms-limitation talks. The episode I’m about to mention has been receiving saturation social-media attention for the past few hours, as I write. … I’m struck by how professional everybody is, how welcoming and friendly the sailors are, how clean the ship is.”.

A similarly steely ability to block out bitter and hurtful criticism—otherwise, you couldn’t function—without becoming deaf to warnings of genuine problems.

The president, freed from ever having to face voters again, would feel no need to moderate any of his many unpopular stances and impulses. But today Democrats are hoping to gain control of the state House for the first time in 17 years, and maybe even hand Texas’s 38 electoral votes to Joe Biden. Despite the fact that 50 percent of the crew had never been to sea before, and 80 percent of us had never been to sea on Blue Ridge, you trained hard, worked long hours, and achieved what many thought was impossible.”. Trump was responding to charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company. We are talking about hospital administrators now thinking about beds, ventilators, space in temporary morgues. But until Trump, other presidents have applied the “show, don’t tell” policy when it comes to their own competence. I think we’re doing an extraordinary job. Any further information will be updated later. “Given the remarkable show of support for Capt. So this year, we’ve decided to give back a little, and tell you how we, the Politics team at The Atlantic, recommend following Election Night 2020. On Thursday, he went on at length about the bounty of tariff payments that the U.S. was receiving “from China”—which revealed either a black-is-white misunderstanding of how tariffs work, or a Harry Frankfurt-style indifference to the bullshit of what he was saying. One friend wrote, ” We are all standing with Brett and you during these rough times. Others, like Bryan McGrath, managing director of defense consulting firm the FerryBridge Group, said that despite the merits of Crozier’s action, chain of command is sacrosanct. I mean, seriously Jon, let’s get real, what do you want me to do? I’m also active in The Paradigm Switch where I share my experiences learning tech, especially Salesforce, with other military spouses. It’s nearly three-and-a-half years later. The typically young members of a White House speechwriting staff—the people who worked on the script from which Trump read yesterday—would not know this phrase from their own experience. I select one to mentor each quarter. “But I think he is a good man and trying to do what is best for all of you.”. Starting in the summer of 2015, cable channels began running live Trump rallies, because they were so “interesting.” People watched. When told it was true, he said, with obvious sarcasm, “Gee, that’s too bad.” (You can judge the tone for yourself, starting, He has said it was “contained” and “under control” (as McKay Coppins, He has said “It’s going to disappear” and, “We have very little problem in this country” (as David Leonhardt, He said three weeks ago that the U.S. had “15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” (as the White House. ). (When I worked, in my 20s, on a White House speechwriting staff, our “spare time” reading was from the volumes of past presidential addresses.). She didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. There is a cohort of close observers of our presidential elections, scholars and lawyers and political strategists, who find themselves in the uneasy position of intelligence analysts in the months before 9/11. As for Trump himself, his public vocabulary is strikingly limited on a deployable-word-count basis: “Many people are saying,” “it’s the greatest ever,” “we have tremendous people,” “very good things are happening,” “there has never been anything like it,” and of course “sir.”. In the years since then, Trump has assembled a long record of comment on issues involving African Americans as well as Mexicans, Hispanics more broadly, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, women, and people with disabilities. Whatever happens Tuesday, Democrats have put the Lone Star State in play. “Captain Crozier then reported to Navy Personnel Command in 1999 as an aviation detailer and retention program manager,” the Navy says. The philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s famous book “On Bullshit” bears on this phenomenon—people who just talk, in a slurry of “true” and “false,” with no concern or even awareness of the difference between the two. I can’t quickly think of a case of another president making such a wildly inaccurate basic-fact claim, without a quick “For the record, the president meant to say...” cleanup. The danger is not merely that the 2020 election will bring discord. Why does he keep going to big rallies? No Democrat has won a statewide election since 1994, the same year Governor Ann Richards lost to George W. Bush.

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