It makes a world of difference. Other things in your life may not be quite as important as your Big Rocks, but they are certainly time-consuming! This is a way of getting the important stuff done. If you want to own your own company, then growing your business is another Big Rock.

If you have more self-discipline than I do, you may not need to do this. I have 12 hours blocked out for clients and 8 hours blocked out for my major projects. What about you, have you given this exercise a try? This was a really really hard thing to implement. At the beginning of each week, I sit down to write out my weekly Big Rocks. Plan your week ahead of time, placing your Big Rocks first.

This is a similar concept to MITs, except on a weekly scale instead of a daily scale. I can get all this done by noon. If it’s something I need to do for my own business, I’ll put it off. Here’s how you do it (with the unavoidable list, of course! I’m more of a “I had a to-do list around here somewhere – oh look! In this video (scroll down for the text version), I share my method of planning – in the hopes that it might help you. Yet…I’ve somehow managed to be productive all the same. (Because I meet with my clients on alternating weeks, I have one of these for First + Third weeks and another for Second + Fourth). At the top of a piece of paper, I list all of my goals and below it I write the Big Rocks that will help me reach my goals that week, with actionable steps to complete them. During the weekly review scheduled for each week (another big rock) – I evaluate the previous week and make a plan for the following week – deciding which of the other things on my long list need to get done first. Is there enough room for them all? Find a way that works for you. Oftentimes we can look back on our week and say, “I didn’t get a lot done, but I sure was stressed doing it!”.

If you’re new to this strategy, here it is in a nutshell: Imagine you have a bucket, which you are trying to fill with rocks, pebbles, and sand. It’s all a priority!”.

In this metaphor, your life is the glass jar and all of your responsibilities are the rocks. Best Way to Jumpstart Your Day (evening routine), How to Do the Weekly Review in Under an Hour, Weekly Review: Key to GTD and Achieving Goals, Book review: Greatest Salesman in the World. It’s about getting the important stuff done. Instead, I refer to my list and choose the most appealing (or pressing) next task.

Note: You probably noticed that this post isn’t really about GTD. Big Rocks Exercise Productivity & Priorities Tool Email: Page 2 of 4 Grow Your Business Coaching, LLC Phone: (317) 755-6963 Identify & Prioritise Your Rocks! Then I block out time each week to work on those projects. (Because I meet with my clients on alternating weeks, I have one of these for First + Third weeks and another for Second + Fourth) You’ll see that I’ve blocked out time to work with clients, to prepare for and run my MAC meeting and to write my weekly blog post.

These are your Big Rocks and they are usually ongoing projects that cannot be rushed, like finding your ideal career path or nurturing a relationship. Otherwise, you can be busy all day long with “little rocks” or “pebbles” – then look back and realize that you didn’t get anything important done. Choosing the latter, I prioritize my own business building projects above client projects. Every time management system agrees on this!

Once again, I’m taking an idea from Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: the Big Rocks Method. There’s a lot of advice floating around that advises you to find additional time to work by simply cutting out things like watching TV. When you’re planning your month, your week or your day, and even when you’re making specific decisions during the day, refer back to your list of big rocks. Plan your week ahead of time, placing your Big Rocks first. Put the Big Rocks first. This probably isn’t what you were expecting! For example, if you know you want to get married and have children some day, then making time to form a lasting relationship with your partner is a Big Rock.

These Big Rocks get pushed back from week to week because we never have time to do them — our days fill up too quickly, and before we know it, weeks have passed and the Big Rocks are still sitting on the side, untouched. I find that really restrictive and my inner rebel won’t play along. Here’s the definition of priority from Merriam-Webster: Priority: something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first. Well, productivity isn’t about doing a lot of stuff. You’ll see that I have lots of white space in my calendar. But if you’re running around doing all the little stuff … sure, you did a lot and you were very busy, but how much did you really accomplish? Previous post:The Secret Habit to Success, Next post:Book review: Greatest Salesman in the World, 6-month mastermindand Costa Rica intensive, Purpose Your Day: Most Important Task (MIT). The Big Rocks are the major things you want to get done this week. What you can do is put the Big Rocks in first, and fill in the pebbles and sand around them. It’s the old “put your oxygen mask on first” message we get on airplanes. The YOU-Shaped Business program is designed to help you create and grow a business based on your purpose, values, expertise and personality.

Everything else is flexible. We start with the idea that you have a finite amount of time. These are the day-to-day tasks like walking the dog, filing an expense report, or cleaning your home, and they are your Small Rocks. If you follow this system, you’ll get the most important things done each day/week. You can’t get bigger buckets. Those items alone cover most of my goals – I’m serving my clients, writing every week (which supports my blogging project and my book) and being in touch with my community every Monday morning. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities that need to get done, while putting your over-arching goals on the back burner. Some people (like my husband) prefer to slot those tasks into the calendar so that they know exactly what they need to do at exactly what time. I love this exercise because it can help you identify the key things that you want to prioritize in your life. As I’ve written before, there’s no one universal right way of doing things.

I am not one of those detail-oriented colour coded filing system schedule the day for maximum productivity kinds of people.

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