A-level Candidate record form: Component 3 - Independent critical study - texts across time 2021 (61.6 KB) Candidate record form (A-level): Component 3 - Independent critical study 2021 (268.0 KB) Students should also Design a worksheet as if the student were the teacher. Your school may use specific sources which allow books to be obtained at a discount. individually negotiate their own task. In Do jigsaw reading (put jumbled sections of texts into the correct order). Specialist websites provide ready-made support materials such as lesson plans and handouts, but make sure you check them for quality. You may wish to select a text which supports your teaching of other themes in the specification. Do individual online research into the author for a presentation. A-level course. On the other hand, you may prefer students to know the demands of the task from the outset. Make up questions or true/false statements. Share them with students and get them to analyse their performance against example essays and assessment criteria. common text could, if required, be taught to a set texts listed for the A-level exam components cannot be used for non-exam If a printed text is covered it will last longer.

If you share your enthusiasm, guide them carefully, fine-tune your teaching in ways described earlier and teach them to be analytical, they will nearly always come to enjoy the work and develop their confidence. treated as the original writer's own words for assessment purposes. Study the exemplar essays on aqa.org.uk, along with commentaries. With the Kindle any notes and highlighted text may be picked up in an Amazon account from where they can be pasted into a word processor (Amazon, Kindle, Fire and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates). opportunity to work independently. Studied together they create an understanding of English Literature that will deepen your students' knowledge and love of the subject.

Do not forget that there is plenty of expertise out there to help you: colleagues in your school, forums, blogs and commercial websites. You can use questions in the target language, correcting false statements, gap-fill, paraphrase, true/false, summary, writing individual paragraphs, introductions and conclusions, to name a few. Many schools and colleges have found that the second year of the A-level course is best for working on literature. Students will need individual copies of texts which they can annotate in pencil. You may encourage students to read each other’s essays. Words are clickable for meaning (definition in the target language or translation). theme of their choice. You can provide students with vocabulary lists, which will ensure that you, as a teacher, have a firm command of the lexis. There are all kinds of written work you can do before students write fully-fledged essays. This is an A* example scored 63/70 for A level Edexcel English Literature regarding the new specification. This guide has been written for all A-level modern language teachers, particularly benefit of those with little or no experience of teaching literature. It includes advice on selecting the right text for your students, time and staff planning, resourcing your teaching, ideas for exploiting texts in class and how to prepare your students for success in the AS or A-level exam. This area could also form part of a departmental target. It would be wise to have the school library stocked with any support materials you can find and share online resource links with students. If using a collection of poetry, students must have studied the When you prepare your text you’ll probably make notes on vocabulary as you go along. Answer multiple choice questions (oral or written). Given that a central tenet of Specification B is how meanings in literature arise and given that the specification encouragesstudents to have their own voices, it is fitting … submitting work on a range of texts and tasks. There are no planned changes to AS and A-level English Literature B for 2021 following Ofqual’s consultation Teaching from: September 2015 Exams from: 2016 (AS), 2017 (A-level) short stories, students must have studied the whole text and select at least two stories to If using a collection of texts. Could you include a short story or extracts from literature in your scheme of work before you begin your exam text?

free to develop their own interests from their own

This website works best with JavaScript switched on. Information, support and services to help you deliver the specification. Some groups will work faster than others, of course, and you will need to assess if every section of a work requires the same attention to detail. Fingersmith with Marian Halcombe in The Woman in White in the You should study the assessment criteria (AO3 and AO4) in the specification very carefully and share these criteria with students. The specifications encourage independent study of a range of texts within a shared context.

The downside is students have fewer opportunities to develop their independence and dictionary skills. This general approach is widely used. Close analysis of mark schemes helps them refine their technique and realise sound knowledge, analysis, good structure and relevance are rewarded as well as language range and accuracy. Try not to see language and literature in isolation. Reading critics in English may be a good idea if the source material helps students to comprehend more difficult ideas. Possible pre-1900 texts include, but are not limited to: Students cannot use the following texts for non-exam assessment as they appear on the exam Use online text manipulation software to work on individual passages. Make sure the school library is stocked with printed resources: at least one extra copy of the book in case a student mislays their own copy or leaves it at home, any published study guides in the target language or in English, any accessible works of criticism in the target language or English. being taken, either by the school or college as a

© AQA 2020, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. include texts in translation that have been influential and significant in the development of Your students should feel a sense of achievement and by teaching them to read analytically about experiences from another country you’ll broaden their view and develop a key transferable skill for life. Two books were compared for this 3,300 word essay and those books were Wuthering Heights and The Yellow Wallpaper. Texts listed in the A-level core set text and comparative set text lists in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 cannot be studied for non-exam assessment. You may prefer an electronic text.

Teaching resources that you can use to plan your lessons and support your students’ learning. below, but this is not a set list and students are representations of social class and culture. If you’re co-teaching the one year AS and two year A-level, you need to distinguish differences in question style and assessment criteria. However, if they are well rehearsed in technique and have good knowledge they will cope very well. AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Write an imaginary interview with the author. Please either accept the cookies, or, Specifications for first teaching in 2015, 4.3 Independent critical study: texts across time, Non-exam assessment administration (A-level only), Independent critical study: texts across time. Some students may use this as a short cut and thus limit the amount of target language reading they do. Texts should always Remember that some of your students, particularly any studying English literature or film, will have more experience of this type of analytical essay writing than others. significant in the development of literature in English.

However, if you spend too much time translating into English you will limit the amount of meaningful listening input and oral practice students receive. appropriateness of texts and tasks with their

Don’t forget to explain that by reading at length they’re building up their general proficiency in the language as well as learning about an aspect of the culture of the target language country. Dolanguages.com provides ready-made vocabulary glossaries. Many schools and colleges have found that the second year of the A-level course is best for working on literature. A-level questions demand a deeper and broader analysis than AS questions.

You could prepare retranslation tasks – passages in English based on your text to be retranslated into the target language.

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