MVC is a software architecture pattern for... What is a Matrix? printf("hello\rworld\n"); If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. The correct statement would be: strcpy(myName, "Robin"); 47) How do you determine the length of a string value that was stored in a variable? 37) In C programming, what command or code can be used to determine if a number of odd or even? Placing & means whatever integer value is entered by the user is stored at the "address" of the variable name. Without initialization, a variable would have an unknown value, which can lead to unpredictable outputs when used in computations or other operations.

B. world heworld Yes, it's perfectly valid to combine operators, especially if the need arises. An algorithm provides a step by step procedure on how a solution can be derived. There are actually two ways you can do this. B. These frequently asked sample questions on C Language are given with correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. These 2 functions basically perform the same action, which is to get the absolute value of the given value. Header files or library files have the .H file extension. Please use, generate link and share the link here. Therefore, NAME, name and Name are three uniquely different variables. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. 4. Note that the enter key is not included in the variable, but instead a null terminator \0 is placed after the last character. }, A. A record is made up of related fields. On the other hand, compilers check the syntax of the entire program and will only proceed to execution when no syntax errors are found.

60) What is a program flowchart and how does it help in writing a program? For example, you can assigned a constant named PI and give it a value 3.1415  . Output of the program | Dereference, Reference, Dereference, Reference…. To do this, you indicate the name of the array without the brackets. A newline escape sequence can be placed before the actual output expression or after. 42) Can the "if" function be used in comparing strings? How does this aid in debugging?

Pointers contain the address of a variable, which in turn may contain a value or even an address to another memory. To insert the quote character as part of the output, use the format specifiers \' (for single quote), and \" (for double quote).

81) What does the characters "r" and "w" mean when writing programs that will make use of files? 75) Is it possible to have a function as a parameter in another function? A binary tree has two pointers, a left one and a right one. 99) Create a simple code fragment that will swap the values of two variables num1 and num2. Char can store individual character values. Output of the Program | Pointer to a Constant or Constant Pointer? TRUE or FALSE? 10) In C programming, how do you insert quote characters (' and ") into the output screen? 1. The = symbol is often used in mathematical operations.

2 When the user presses the enter key to end the input, the entire line of characters is stored to a string variable.

The strcat function. Simply put, commands that you use in C programming are actually functions that are defined from within each header files. i = printf("%d ", i); This is followed by the main function heading. For example, \n\n would insert two spaces. This is because C language is rich in features that make it behave like a high level language while at the same time can interact with hardware using low level methods. 98) How do you convert strings to numbers in C?

The gets() function allows a full line data entry from the user. Curly brackets { } are placed before and after compound statements. You just need to include the entire function prototype into the parameter field of the other function where it is to be used. This method helps maintain consistency and uniformity in terms of argument type. printf ( "%d" , printf ( "hello" ) ); A. Syntex Error Using dynamic memory allocation, your program will access memory spaces as needed. int i; This usually occurs while handling conditions wherein a series of statements are executed when a TRUE or FALSE is evaluated. For example: if you have a declaration that says "intscores[5];", then you have 5 accessible elements, namely: scores[0], scores[1], scores[2], scores[3] and scores[4]. Each side can further branch to form additional nodes, which each node having two pointers as well. }, A. letsfindcourse 15 3 One is to use the increment operator ++ and decrement operator --. These are errors that occur while the program is being executed. To store 32768, you can use "long int" instead. On the top most level of precedence are the unary operators !, +, - and &. Download PDF . 95) Are comments included during the compilation stage and placed in the EXE file as well? void = 10; The word void is a reserved word in C language.

There is no single command or function in C that can check if a number is odd or even. 9. B. Goes in infinite loop In this scenario, the inner loop is performed a number of times as specified by the outer loop. For example, you can use a 2 dimensional array to store the current position of pieces in a chess game, or position of players in a tic-tac-toe program. Instead, use the strcpy function. This is because arrays are named using only 1 word followed by an element number. printf("hello\b\b\bworld\n"); You can use atof to convert to a floating point value, atoi to convert to an integer value, and atol to convert to a long integer value. Also, the prototype for abs() is under , while fabs() is under . Header files contain the definition and prototype for functions and commands used in a C program. When using || to evaluate logical conditions, any condition that evaluates to TRUE will render the entire condition statement as TRUE. 17) How do you declare a variable that will hold string values? ' is used for carriage return to come 1 line back or in start of line. return 0; Output redirection allows a program to have its output saved to a file. { #include In C programming, source codes are saved with the file extension .C, while object codes are saved with the file extension .OBJ. 100 multiple-choice questions in C++ : Continental Mathematics League four contests in C++ 1998-2001.. [Skylight (Firm); Continental Mathematics League. A queue represents a line wherein the first data that was stored will be the first one that is accessible as well. For example: 10 % 3 = 1, meaning when you divide 10 by 3, the remainder is 1. #include B. 22) How do you access the values within an array? 91) Can you pass an entire structure to functions? D. variable!

How to make a multiple-choice selection with switch-case structure The switch-case structure allows you to […] However, some programmers prefer declaring the structure globally, then pass a variable of that structure type to a function. For each turn on the outer loop, the inner loop is first performed. Software developers are professional who builds software which runs... Download PDF 1) Explain what is Model-View-Controller? It's time to make the big switch from your Windows or Mac OS operating system.

Mac OS uses a UNIX... Who is a Software Developer? Example: "char MyName[50]; " declares a string variable named MyName that can hold a maximum of 50 characters. Explanation: Name of the function is actually a pointer variable to the function and prints the address of the function. For example: to store the 10 test results of 1 student, one can use 10 different variable names (grade1, grade2, grade3... grade10). For comparing string values, there is another function called strcmp that deals specifically with strings. Yes, you don't have to write a separate assignment statement after the variable declaration, unless you plan to change it later on. Random numbers are generated in C using the rand() command. Enumerated types allow the programmer to use more meaningful words as values to a variable. This also means that not all codes may be executed, and there are alternative flows within. When a return value is expected after the function execution, the data type of the return value is placed instead of "void". It makes use of the percentage (%) symbol. A. variable! One may think that INT is a reserved word and must not be used for other purposes.

INT = 10.50; Assuming that INT is a variable of type float, this statement is valid. The solution offered in the C language is known as the switch-case structure. %s Find best course Find best course 30) Write a loop statement that will show the following output: 31) What is wrong in this statement? Explanation: "" for a backspace, means if u print it, cursor will print and come back 1 character . ' This happens when a wrong formula was inserted into the code, or a wrong sequence of commands was performed. Constants are given values at one time only, placed at the beginning of a program. For example, the statement "x++" means to increment the value of x by 1. 46) What is wrong with this statement? This is where library files are specified, which would depend on what functions are to be used in the program. Instead, you pass to it a pointer that will point to the array first element in memory. B. letsfindcourse 14 2 Experience. One common instance wherein run-time errors can happen is when you are trying to divide a number by zero. FALSE. { No. X +=15 is a short method of writing X = X + 15, so if the initial value of X is 5, then 5 + 15 = 20. It includes letters, numbers and other characters. 49) Why is C language being considered a middle level language? D. give garbage value.

The choice of declaring a header file at the top of each C program would depend on what commands/functions you will be using in that program. 36) What does the && operator do in a program code? In C programming, linked lists are created using pointers. 85) What are the different data types in C? int main() Pointers point to specific areas in the memory. No, comments that were encountered by the compiler are disregarded. What is the output of this program? printf("variable! int main() Explanation: A segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access, or attempts to access a memory location in a way that is not allowed.So as we can see segmentation fault occurs because program attempts to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access. Here letsfindcourse contain 14 character therefore i = 14 and then i is printed now again value of printf is assign but this time it print 3 since it contain 3 character %,d and space. Compound statements are made up of two or more program statements that are executed together. 9) Differentiate Source Codes from Object Codes, Source codes are codes that were written by the programmer. Values held by a variable can be altered throughout the program, and can be used in most operations and computations.

C Programming Questions and Answers has been designed with a special intention of helping students and professionals preparing for various Certification Exams and Job Interviews.This section provides a useful collection of sample Interview Questions and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and their answers with appropriate explanations. Arrays contain a number of elements, depending on the size you gave it during variable declaration. 1) scanf("%c", &letter);  2) letter=getchar(). You can do this by using %% in the printf statement. int i; printf(scanf, scanf); Therefore, source codes are compiled using a compiler. It can be placed anywhere in the program.

39) What are logical errors and how does it differ from syntax errors? Endless loops are oftentimes referred to as infinite loops. 55) Not all reserved words are written in lowercase.

Binary trees are actually an extension of the concept of linked lists. Each header file contains a set of functions. Which statment is true about the given code . That's because memory in this structure can be allocated and remove in any particular order.

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